Los Angeles Evening Citizen News from Hollywood, California (2024)

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'-a I 4 i a rfi i VlIPIUlAl sk NEWYbRK (UPDA ec She won' Trace Pistol to same honor two years ago for Jief Acting in flhe' 'European acttlnjlUI Schell hinnerup towTnyfoi in the beat actress Category was cited -as "Find of the Yesiif' on the basis her fferforihailce in thC -Frepch imports 1 their work' onithe -f1- Bridge lUverKsi: David Lean was hdriored asrfiie outstanding director Jack Hild-yard for the best photography apd Pierre BouHe ffior the best screenplay- -1 I 4 Guinnessand Eji*zabethTaylor walked off with top acting honors today in the annual poll Of tht film critics by Rhp Daily the movie trade papers ill1 I 5su- was dted fonhiA portray alofa British officer in Bridge on the River performance for which he re-ceived an Oscar" eariier'1this year-' Spender performance in Last wo him runnerup honori Miss Taylor was honored' for her performance as "Maggie" In Tennessee Williams' "Cat On Hqt -Tin Roof" Bridge on the rRiver swept top hoOors in three other categoriesT'inf the peril- of mc than- 2000 newspaper movie -for direction photography and screen- play The performance of Red Buttons as airmsn Job Kelly in 'won top honors as the best supporting actor while Hope Lange garnered comparable honors among actresses -lor her performance as Selena Cross in "Peyton 'Place David Ladd son of actor Alan Ladd was named top juvenile actor on the basis of his performance In Proud f- iftfi "fi- 1 7 'f Cltlto-Nwi yhot PLENTY OF TOYS FOR KIDS AT COUNTY GENERAL HOSPITAL SAN DIEGO tJPt Police say traced a pistol believed to have been used to kill Tony Mlrebtte to apair of convicted parrot smugglers One of the men said it had been stolen from him recently Mirabile a witness before the State Senate rackets subcommittee earlier this year -was shot four times after a fight in his apartment early Saturday Filippo 22-year-old -protege -of Mirabile'i from Italy- told police he saw a burly man and a knife wielding blonde -woman in the apartment just before the shooting LL' Mort Geer of the homicide squad said a 38-caliber nub-nose revolver found in the dead man's quarters was bought in 1955 by -Victor Buono onetime San Diego policeman and ex-hail broker Buono now of Perris Calif said he had loaned the' weapon to Ernest Nelson Murray who like 'Buono has been convicted of smuggling parrots Murray told officers he discovered about two or three weeks ago that the pistol had been stolen from a desk in his home In the Senate subcommittee hearing Mirabile 64-year-old former night dub owner was asked about the Mafia Black" Hand Sodety He denied -any knowledge of the Sicilian terrorist organization His body will be flown to his native Aicalo Sidly Douglas Spraker center) showed fellow Woodland Hills Ki- wanis Club members Milton JDa-vidson (left) and Charles Hurst how high the barrels were filled with toys for the children at General Hospital Christmas See for details GLOVE OFFERS CLUE ROAMING 'DIMES MONTH Mayor Dallas WilliaW of Burbank (seated) signs proclamation naming January as of Dimes in the city -to the satisfaction of Paul 0 Martin Burbank March of Dimes chairman his debut Patty McCormack was honored for file beat performance by juvenile actress for her portrayal in Vilh AUSTIN CONOVER Still Missing Upl A PORTLAND Ore tfflj- site of an' abandoned More than -12000 memben of the Screen- Acton Guild today were mailed ballots asking them to Vote on a proposal to conduct a survey to determine the feasibility of merger-with the 'American Federation of Television Radio Arjtists (AFTRA) file executive board recommended that the guild members approve the resolution For some time a merger between the two unions has been discussed as a meana of' settling basic differences primarily over payments for television work The guild board suggested that an impartial research organization make a thorough study of merger possibilities within 90 days-It also virasask-ed that the guild invite AFTRA to tiiare in the coats of the proposed survey At a recent guild membership meeting in -Hollywood members present voted to present the plan to the national membership Ballots must be postmarked by Jan 26 it was said car- about Jndge Moves to Fresno FRESNO (JPi Federal Judge William Mathis ofLoa -An-geles will sit in Fresno for 45 -miles east of here Police showed the glove Jan Diines Month to Mack ckyttr glove provided police with their lone lead las the seard for a Portland family of five entered its fourth week- today- 1 I The giove was found Sunday on a highway shoulder near the relatives and one said it might I three' months commencing Jan hve belonged to Mrs: Kenqi Martin 48 Police planned to! shnv it to more of the friends' today tain birth defects of the central nervous system" NEXT YEAR Mayor- Dallas Williams of Burbank today proclaimed January as "March of Dimes in the city -Noting that the March of Dimes campaign since the de-fekt by vaccine of polio is devoting its -efforts to helping victims of arthritis ahd birth defects! 'Williams called upon all residents to support the drive which runs Jan through 31 US Assets Now Valued at $262 Billion Old Age Benefits Deductions Rise -WASHINGTON UP) A coil- Arrive Here More En Route 2jple of end-of-th e-year renrind-lers on-Social Security changes His proclamation added your pocket- took: Sodal Security deductions will take about an additional $2 a month front the paychecks of most working -Americana after the first of file year ere will bear the coat of the increased benefits The Social Se- 1 cutty tax rate for each will go -up from 214 to 214 per cent The amount of annual earnings on which the tax is levied will be increased from $4200 to $4-800 a year Workers earning the full $4-800 must pay $120 a year starting Thursday instead of the Old total of $9450 This Average out -to about $2 monthly part that "there are 150000 victims of polio who can still benefit- from March of Dimes aid as well as others who may MOO mvM Mrs Martin her husband 54 and their three daughters vanished Dec 7 after setting out in their car to find a Christmas tree The girls are Barbara 14 Virginia 13 and Sue ll In New York the only son Donald 28 Mid he was convinced his parents and sisters were dead' Sgt Walter Jahn of' the Multnomah County sheriffs office Said Mrs A Dorsey" a of Martin shown glove raid was the type of glove 'Mrs Martin would normally Police tsaid witnesses had reported seeing the abandoned car reported stolen' from -Venice 1 Calif parked along the highway near Cascade Locks since Dec the day after the family vanished It was in a recheck of tiiat area where' Martin had purchased gaaoline with a credit card Dec 7 that tti4 glove was found-15 feet from where the car was abandoned PoHve have speculated that red and white station wagon might have plunged into an isolated canyon or river The credit card purchase was the only thing tb pin-point the movements IiWall Street In Speculation Grip? Is Wall Street on 'the eve of a-' repetition of- the 1929 debacle? Some people believe thatit is according to the finding of a public opinion survey on the recent stock market boom Those1 who say that 1959 may be like'1929 point to the 'almost continuous ne in stock prices since May of this year and to the -fact that company earnings have not risen nearly as spectacularly The general comment 'was fEaraings and dividends have improved but only in a few issues do they" justify present 1 stock market xnices" Fesrof Inflation is regarded the' main motivating factor be hind the rush to buy securities 'Spending and more spending is seen as the policy of the next Congress This -epells increased Inflation 'Some of thqse who seeno danger of a- big stock market faseek said: "The old rules for evaluating stocks such as dividend yields and price earning ratios do not hold for the present market' Woodland Hills! Kiwenls Club members -gave typical replies tp my question regarding the stock market boom Dr James Pharoah optometrist commented: Telephone and Telegraph Co common stock Jumped $21 a share when thepompany announced a proposed stock split This the only indication of the tremendous amount of money pouripg into Wall Street" 'Others top expressed thp be lief that stock prices have entered an inflationary spiral new government contract will help this Woodland Hills-Canoga Park commented Robert Exum Glenn Gager beverage merchant cited the adjustment that Woodland Hills business has had to make as a result of the completion of the freeway through it The new year will also bring of 7 per cent Kn the Security checks received retired persons changes were voted by Congress 'mailed in Februfuy per cent higher than with a minimum The maximum retired man and A somber note was struck' by the proclamation in stating there are- still millions of Americans under 40 -Who have failed to'take advantage of the Salk vaccine and who must be persuaded' to get vaccinated' The new emphasis of the March of Diines was explained crease of "The National Foundation will: check for increases Social by 12 million: The the last Checks will be 7 before WASHINGTON The fabulous Hope diamond variously valued at up to two: million dollars counts for aero in official totals as- to what the federal government ia wjjrth biecause-it was without coat to the govern-ihent But despite (that and numerous other unrealistic valuations the value of federal assets was fixed in a new annual report at 262 billion dollars as of mid-1958 The actual value is I much greater but "most -of the items art carried at their original coat to the government many! years ago1 The 262 billions included 67 billion dollars for the 779 million acres of real estate 'the government owns equal to all the land east of the Mississippi plus California Oregon' and Arizona The other 195 billion dollars came under the heading pf personal property This covered items other thn land and buildings ranging-' from $8263412 for recording studio equipment for congressmen to 21 trillions for the 25164 planes of the Air Force terday And three student rains are expected' today as he nridwesteraers begin whooping it up preparatory: to Rose Bowl game between Imra and California Some 25000 Iowa football are-expected here tor the classic a large contingent will be on hand tonight when Pamela Prather will be crowned queen of the Tournament of Roses Following the coronation will be the traditional ball Iowans who had arrived by yesterday were treated to reception in the afternoon by the University of Iowa Alumni MARSHUTZ Appointed tfg'fiisn Herwitz has been appointed resident director of the 21-Acre Vista Del Mar Child Care Service 3200 Motor Ave where 125 children cared for Horwitz for-1 jmeriy was a supervisor of emotionallv disturbed stBeilfair in offer assistance to children I his wife both past 65 willciimb through 18 in need of medical I from $16280 to $174 monthly treatment for-arthritis or cer- -Active' workers and employ- fcreofttouvwooo (vc4 I I IM I jn jC -f The House Government' seph Hlywood erations Committee which published the report called the figures unbelievable It yapped what it called misleading and antiquated evaluations supplied by government dfPrtnumts for the report It asked 'for eventual listings according to -true present day value rather than original cost 'A native of Switzerland Soberer went to college in Paris Franca before coming to America He has been a life underwriter for the past 20 years Most of this time he has been yery active in community service In Hollywood I is: chairman of Cub Scout Pack 191 He has helped Cubs and Scouts for many years though he has no sons of his own Rites Tomorrow ior Aircraft Worker I He i president of the Holy -Name Society at Immaculate Heart Parish- He is past presi-He has headed the nationAl as well as the local Exper-anto association He ia a member of the Le Ctonte Junior High and Ramona School PTA board I When asked his philosophy of service Scherer replied: "America has been good to Funeral services for William Floyd Combs 57 an aircraft worker and electro-plater for Hudson Plating Co Van Nuys will be conducted at 11 am tomorrow at Steen's Mortuary North Hollywood Intermentf will follow at Valhalla -Memorial Park Mr' Combsf who lived at 4145 Cahuenga Blvd i North Hollywood died yesterday He was a native Of Laramie -Wyo Mr Combs is survived by two sisters Mrs Hazel Whit-mer and Mrs Carmeni Crabtree Nofth Hollywood brother E-H Combs Las Vegas Nev a daughter Mrs Izatt Lake Grove Ore and two granddaughters I Chutes Hurst title insur-: ance executive will -succeeed Milton Jay Davidson attorney as dub president on Jan 1 Others who will take office with Hurst rare: Ri Chard Franks liason engineer 1st vibe president Philip Hurst educator 2nd vice' president Robert Cbtton aircraf planner secretary and Richard Sherman 1 i contractor treasurer The new i board of directors includes: Davidson Bob Veloz liason engineer FYank Lentine banker Arthur Coffman plant protection apedalist Jerry Rocco restaurateur Douglas Spraker equipment renter aiid Dr Pharoah Tbs club Is strong' in community service It sponsors Cub Pick Boy -Scout Troop Girl Scout Troop and Campfire Girl unit1- It collects toys for' the children at the Los Angeles County General Spraker is in charge of this project Ift helps the7 boys at nearby Pacific Lodge It supports such community projects as Christ-mas tree lighting and nativity scene During' the past two months it has conducted a membership drive' Sylvan Victor stock broker -is its newest member He- -was inducted at the last meeting by John MacDonald life underwriter POR't Miss of a Nation" produced by Darrel Brady was shown file members This Jilin is Characteristic of productions in that it is fflafety OPTOMETRIST DR CALMS0N CSSTACT LEIIES ASISS SIS SLASSES BE: well filmed and deals' with a subject of great The GerriQhr people ilBrady perints pot work-to live but live to Because they are very- industrious West Germany has made aplai recovery since the war MSIVi Hsllywred IM (At Chsrskse Ae( FINAL-YEAR END anH CLEARANCE SALE Rsduction up to 50 co*cktwtts 4 hrsisls -(Reg 2 ff 5-9995) (i995UffS) to If you want the highest interest you can get on your savings with the best protection keep your funds at Great Western Savings Here your money currently earns 4 per and your account ia insured up to $10000 by a permanent agency of the United States Government Another thing thatinterest is compounded or not just twice a but four timet a year You have to be a CP A to see how njuch more money this means for you Vow is a profitable time to transfer your ac- 1 9F Swosrton 1 295-3595 1 I Mercury A i Edsel A pteture ef -West Germany! DrtSMS SpOrtswrer 'co*cktails Formats SWoatsrs Coots count to Great Western (Savings recei Ved by the 10th of the month earn interact from the first) Gpen' your account by mail or in person Your check passbook or money order: and your signature are all wer need Current yearly inieretL 100lmportedCabrSf Reg $125 Value: Sals Mss IssnHfal Iwsstsia 100 Importsd Tlbat'sn Wool Reg $125 Valut Sale Price $5995 i FOUND i Entflish Ford BOLLYWOOD 7 'LOST Bl A wht female fox terrier type No tags Vic Gower-rranklin Answers to Reward HO-55263 roUN-C2Uhuahua female Call Identity HCM88P4 DAVID mCMD SHOP and SAVE up to 50 At the 7' SMART Little Shop for SMARTLY DRESSED YToben IU HUMBUGU V'7 TREE: Family budget book the ideal budget jplanner At any Great Wedern Brunch FREE-- PARKING AT ALL BRANCHES DOWNTOWN EOS ANGELES 7th and HillMA-7-S261 CRENSHAW id Vtmen AXminitter L4151 0 GARDENA-' 1 UZ Westers Ave DAvis 9-4107 LAKEWOOD CENTER SM9 Faculty AveJ MEtnlf 0-S9H DAVID: DRICKER Inc 4140 WOilTWOOD DLVD 9-1741 'TmJMb-ParalcMt Vic Bv- -ertyBML NO-I80B7 HMnMyiA FrMay Miriiy 1(4' -r -t T-- f' iv iv 9".

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Los Angeles Evening Citizen News from Hollywood, California (2024)


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Author: Jamar Nader

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.