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Mountain goats in Olympic National Park : fair game or Mountain goats in Olympic National Park : fair game or

reasonable doubt? reasonable doubt?

Helen Carolyn Wagenvoord The University of Montana

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byHelen Carolyn Wagenvoord

B.A. The University of California, Berkeley, 1989 presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of Master of Science

The University of Montana 1995

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Dean, Graduate School

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Wagenvoord, Helen C., M.S., May 1995 Environmental Studies

Mountain Goats in Olympic National Park: Reasonable Doubt?

Director: Bruce Jennings

In March 1995, Olympic National Park issued a Draft Environmental Impact Statement stating the park’s preferred alternative to shoot the population of non-indigenous mountain goats residing in the subalpine and alpine communities of Olympic National Park, location of 33 rare and/or endemic plant taxa. The impact of the goats on both plant communities and soils has caused the National Park Service concern Olympic National Park faces the difficult task of removing a charismatic, sentient mammal from a national park in which the mammal has been present for the history of the park and some opponents argue, for the history of the ecosystem. Removal of non-indigenous plants and animals is an ongoing problem in the National Park Service, but particularly conflict- ridden when the exotic is an appealing, charismatic animal that has been in the area long enough to be strongly identified with the region.

The issue of if and how the goats should be removed has stirred much controversy for the park for about fifteen years. Some of the mountain goats have already been removed through relocation and sterilization. The destiny of the remaining population is a hot debate topic, particularly since the NFS has expressed the opinion that the safest, most economical and effective solution is to shoot the remaining population. Animal rights groups claim the animal is potentially native and question the severity of the mountain goats’ impact on the alpine and subalpine conununities of Olympic National Park. Hunting groups resent action that would diminish the population in areas outlying the park, and some park visitors condemn the extermination of the goats for the sake of a few plants. The National Park Service, however, is firmly supporting their interpretation of the exotic removal policy.

In this paper, the ecological impact of the mountain goats is examined, as well as the results of the application of non-lethal measures. This is followed by an explanation of the conflict between the governmental agencies sharing jurisdiction over this Olympic Peninsula mountain goat population, and the stands and approaches of various concerned interest groups. The final section is a discussion of the various value systems that enter into this kind of debate and the ethical implications of this decision.


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Introduction: Background to Issue of Mountain Goats in

Olympic National Park. 1

Chapter 1 : What Are Exotics? Why Are They a Problem? 9

Chapter 2: Olympic Mountain Goats as Case Study: The Conflict Between the Plants and the

Animal. 16

Chapter 3: Getting the Goats of Olympic National Park: Technology, Firepower, Science and

Bureacracy 29

Chapter 4: The Key Players in This Debate and Their Positions. 40

Chapter 5: Problems With the Act of Defining a Non-indigenous Species. Where Clarity is

Needed. Where to Draw the Lines in the Sand. 50

Chapter 6: Closer Examination of the Value Systems at Play in This Controversy, Showing How

Environmental Issues are Ethical. Our Responsibility to Species We’re Protecting and Species

We re Mixing In 67


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Leave Only Hooforints, Take Only Sensitive Vegetation

Whatever the designated use of an area, the desired relationships between human and

animal occupants are difficult to establish. I believe from observations to date that it is

justifiable to state the general proposition that the more man desires to preserve the

native biota, the more complex become his problems in joint occupancy.

-George Wright, 1930

I found articles in the library describing their favorite foods, the political warfare

they caused, the emotional debates they provoked and the questions they were making

people ask. In the 1920’s, a dozen mountain goats were brought for hunting to the

Olympic Peninsula. At the time, environmentalism wasn’t even in the dictionary and

Olympic National Park wasn’t on the map. Wildlife biologists didn’t give it a second

thought when the animals were introduced. It seemed a good idea at the time. An

appealing game animal screwed into the perfect little niche. Nature had failed to provide

goats and so it made sense to correct a natural mistake. * There were just a few dissenters

who were already opposed to the hunting of mountain goats in the Cascades.^ Those

voices faded into ineffectiveness and the goats were shoved into their new home. Today,

the question of what to do with the goats has become, in the words of one ranger, “the

park’s Vietnam.”

National park tenants for over half a century, subject to current park service

policy, they are considered “unwelcome additions”, “aliens in the park.” They’ve moved

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tons of soil, and eaten plants you won’t find anywhere else. The park service has spent

over a million dollars on research and goat removals by helicopter, sterilization, darts,

nets, and even a little shooting for biological sampling. A lot of them are gone now, taken

by road and by sky to places where they are welcome. That is, welcome to state lands run

by wildlife departments that equate mountain goats with sport hunting and revenue-

generation. But to get any more goats out alive is considered dangerous. Helicopters and

people weren’t made for such steady intimacy with the dizzy, precipitous home of the

mountain goats. The National Park Service, feeling that they have exhausted all

practicable alternatives, just released a Draft Environmental Impact Statement that

advocates shooting the remaining population. After 56 years of fortuitous protection, the

goats may again be legally shot, this time in the name of preservation rather than sport.

After spending time researching the facts and arguments, I wanted to see the goats

to legitimize my armchair study. I spoke with the ranger who had been in charge of

airlifting out a substantial part of the population in the late 80’s. He drew me a map to one

of their remaining residential areas on a slip from a yellow message pad. He was the one

park service person I spoke with who violated park service nicey-niceness, and showed me

pictures of a drug-shot goat who stumbled and crashed down the mountain to its death

during the capture operation. I could tell he was giving me his litmus test for bleeding

hearts, who wouldn’t appreciate the “intellectual” side of the issue. I made a point not to

flinch when he showed me the picture, because I wanted him to speak freely with me. The

goat’s eyes were glassed over, stunned and resigned. Before I left, he told me he wished

the National Park Service had had the “guts” to just go in and shoot them all in the early

70’s before the whole thing became high-profile. He would have done it, he said. Didn’t

mind being the bad guy.

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His scrawled map led me up Switchback Trail to Klahhane ridge. This area once

contained the highest population density of goats in recorded mountain goat history and is

often used to illustrate the results of concentrated mountain goat impact. Klahhane Ridge

probably attracted a lot of goats because it was perfect terrain: lush alpine meadows for

feasting mingled with craggy cliffs for escape and shelter. The NFS planted a salt lick

there earlier to attract goats for capture and research purposes. The salt leached into the

soil, encouraging the goats to dig for their favorite seasoning, especially in the late spring,

exacerbating their impact.

Klahane Ridge is quieter now. The last time NFS checked, two billy goats had

been seen in the area. I kept walking a little further, looking closer at the lines and circles

scrawled underneath “While You Were Out.” Though I didn’t explore very far, I didn’t

really see what was wrong. I also didn’t know what I was looking for. Goat impact isn’t

always obvious to the public. Without a trained eye, you still see vegetation, not realizing

that it’s altered by disruption. Some wallows look like sandtraps while others just look like

smudges of erosion, not startling without a lesson in their significance.

My friend called over to me. “You’re going to like this.” I tried to quietly gallop

over to his patch of stale, crusty snow. Across it trailed the repeated prints of two big lima

beans touching head to toe. The series of prints stamped a gentle arc across the snow

remnant, then disappeared at the start of the rocky soil. I went further and explored. No

goats. Just ghosts.

I tried again later. The map-maker also told me that some of the goats were

removed by helicopters, airlifted like stork-babies away from their mountainside, and taken

to Woodland Fark Zoo. So Christmas Day, when Seattle was coated in a drizzly film, I

went to the zoo. The goats were part of the Northern Trail Exhibit, where a noteworthy

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effort has been made to simulate the animal’s natural environment, albeit on the scale of a

postage stamp. The grizzly was pacing back and forth on his lush, green simulated hill next

to his simulated mountain creek. I wound through the maze of the exhibit. I finally saw the

goats at a distance, poised, motionless on their fabricated rocky mountainside. These

goats, I was told, were sterilized to keep them from over-populating their enclosure.

These goats, at least, would benefit from foresight.

So I’ve only seen the goats up close on television, kicking up balls of dust as they

clatter up steep mountainsides to flee fi^om the camera-toting helicopter, or standing family

portrait-style, the white robed stocky adults and the gangly cottony kids, posing for the

newsreels about the destructive vegetarians.

Television news shows and popular magazines have featured the goat population

in Olympic National Park. They are a lively subject of discussion in academic and scientific

journals. After twenty years, the question of if and how the goats should be removed has

hardened into a highly politicized and emotionally charged Conflict between supporters of

shooting the goats to protect the sensitive endemic plants, and opponents who feel such an

action is tyrannical and unjustified.

Scientists can’t prove the goats will exterminate the seven endemic plants in goat

habitat. The possibility just clearly exists. The goats dustbathe and wallow, pawing up

clouds of dirt over their bodies to cool down and fend off insects in the summer, often

displacing several tons of soil per wallow. In addition to disrupting soil, goats consume

subalpine and alpine plants, including the sensitive, threatened endemics. If the mountain

goats were considered native, this activity would be considered a natural disturbance. And

Olympic staff can’t entirely prove the goats never wallowed in the Olympic mountains

before they were brought in for a little hunting fun. However, geological history and the

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early documents from scientific expeditions where groups say they didn’t see any goats, or

don’t mention goats at all, support that assumption. The park also appears to be

geographically isolated from colonization from other regions, judging by the topography

of the peninsula and the several occurrences of endemism in Olympic plants and animals.

Current park policy calls for restoring, where possible, the native composition of

the ecosystem. This includes removing introduced species, like mountain goats, who

threaten native communities. The National Park Service asserts that the goat is exotic, and

so the removal of goats from sensitive alpine vegetation areas is logical NFS policy

interpretation. But removal is difficult when the selected removal method is lethal and the

“problem” animal is an intelligent, sentient animal, as endearing as the mountain goat.

Also, defining an exotic is easier when the animal is indisputably from a distant foreign

land or when one agent is making the decision. It can become difficult to define an animal

as exotic under less clear-cut circ*mstances, with several participants.

An animal rights group brandishes a couple of articles from the late 19th century

that mention goat sightings and sees the Olympic National Park staff as ecological fascists.

An anthropologist juggles a few theories and assumptions and asserts the possibility that

the goats hung out on the Olympic Peninsula 200 to 10,000 years ago. A native plant

protection group demands that the goats needed to be shot yesterday. The state

Department of Wildlife, which manages the bordering hunting lands, shrugs at the park’s

science, disagreeing with the botanically-based conclusions that all of the game animals

need to be deported. Some members of the public don’t understand the emphasis on non­

native removal when human impact remains relatively uncontrolled. Writes one

community member to a local paper, “1 would have to suggest that no more time and

money be spent on the goats unless there is some conclusive evidence that they are

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destroying people, causing mud slides, cutting down large trees or contributing to the

decline of salmon.”^

So now the goats are at the center of a controversy raising difficult questions

about the true meaning of “exotic” and managing what is deemed an exotic on public

lands: How should a native or an exotic be defined? Where should the geographical,

temporal and empirical lines be drawn in the sand? How will that determine an animal’s

fate? How strictly can land managers strive to restore and protect an ecosystem shared by

different mandates? How should we “manage” animals who are in places due to our

mistakes or decisions? The National Park Service, other agencies and interest groups that

influence decisions affecting wildlife will answer these questions in a variety of ways.

When government manages habitat and wildlife, the “definition” of an animal is

determined by an agency’s policies and mandate On the other hand, animal protection

advocates may critique policy applications which seem “slapped on” to complex problems

involving animal welfare/

In simple terms, this is a story about how our characterization of an animal

determines its destiny. This is a classic wildlife management controversy over the role of

an animal and the role of a public land. These arguments over removing mega-charismatic

immigrants tend to be highly charged emotionally and politically, and probably always will.

Preservationists see an ecologically interloping quadraped, hunters see perfectly good

game animals and animal rightists see individual animals, unlucky consumers. The decision

to define wildlife by management categories, manipulate the size or distribution of a

population, to hunt or protect individual animals, infers a value position about human

relationships to wildlife, and expresses certain beliefs about the appropriate human fises of

animals.^ Though our definition of an animal may be rooted in scientific or philosophical

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terms, there is no absolute definition when an issue involves values, whether the priority is

preservation of biological diversity, animal rights, viewing opportunities or hunting


It’s amazing to see how differently groups and agencies, that is, humans can look

at a single animal. This is a difficult issue; in resolving it, we are tempted to be quick and

decisive before other considerations seep in and muddle the clarity. One ranger’s favorite

story (he told it to me twice with the same chortle), was how when he would give his goat

talk to the Elderhostel groups, a sweet old bluehair would raise her hand and in a

quavering, indignant voice say, “Why don’t you just shoot the bastards?” I think he

enjoyed the story for it made the issue, for a moment, seem simple. Most of the rangers I

spoke with were tired and jaded. They felt the goats should be shot, but not everyone was

comfortable with the issue. One biologist who had worked on the issue since the late 60’s

grumbled about Olympic National Park staff being depicted as “soul-less”, devoid of care

for the animals they chose to kill, after spending several years painstakingly laboring over

alternatives. Shooting sounds clean and neat and cheap. It’s a one-stop solution that

doesn’t require perpetual funding, research and removal efforts. Maybe it will make the

political skirmishes slow to a scuffling and everyone will have to move on. Yet with all the

vying agencies and interest groups, it just won’t be that easy. “Pack it in, pack it out,” will

never be easily applied to animals.

This paper will explore the array of perspectives on native and non-native species

illustrated in the Olympic mountain goat issue. I will show how official definitions are

unclear and where more clarity is needed. I will then more closely examine the values that

public lands are perpetuating, and discuss how to be responsible for species we’re

protecting and the individuals we’re mixing in. Like any turbo-charged emotional issue.

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the goats at Olympic National Park have been mainly discussed from the position of one

particular agenda or another. It’s important, however, to address both sides of the

dilemma: protection of biodiversity and threatened species and consideration of the

welfare of animals that we have “mis-placed”. We’re moving into a world of paradox.

Right when we see the environment slipping between our fingers and stretching at the

seams, we’re ready to appreciate and salvage the remaining variety. And we’re also trying

to listen to the voiceless animals. But in cases like this it seems we can’t do both.

Environmental issues are ethical issues and we need to start choosing between firmly held

sets of values to make difficult decisions about cleaning up some of the messes that we’ve


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What Are Exotics? Why Are They a Problem?

(In general and in national parks.)

In 1936, a forester who was fond of the melaleuca tree flew over the Everglades

area and dropped melaleuca seeds from his plane/ Today, the Australian melaleuca tree is

spreading through Florida’s wetlands at the rate of 50 acres a day. * The South Pacific

brown tree snake was accidentally introduced as a stowaway to the Pacific Islands,

including Hawaii and Guam. The snake has caused power outages after slithering around

power lines, and wriggles its up to eight foot frame into homes through air conditioning

vents, sewer lines, and household plumbing, causing apprehension for some of the okoles

of the tourist industry. ® The snake, now established on Guam, has effected significant

social costs and destructive ecological consequences. Kudzu, originally promoted by the

U.S. Department of Agriculture in the 1940’s for erosion control and forage, now is

outcompeting other vegetation throughout the southeastern United States.

What are exotics?

A 1993 publication on non-native species put out by the Congressional Office of

Technology Assessment chooses the term “non-indigenous species”, or NIS, to describe:

“The condition of a species being beyond its natural range or natural zone of potential

dispersal; includes all domesticated and feral species and all hybrids except for naturally

occurring crosses between indigenous species.” “Natural range” is defined as “The

geographic area a species inhabits or would inhabit in the absence of significant human

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influence.” The strong points of this term and definition are its specificity and ecological,

rather than political, basis. Gerry Wright gives a more general definition but still strives for

an ecological focus: “plant and animal species that inhabit areas in which they did not

evolve or spread to naturally.” He goes on to explain that these new inhabitations are

typically human caused.

Non-indigenous species in the United States are the result of five hundred years of

exploration and colonization. Species have been carried to formerly inaccessible new

homes by sailors, traders and colonists. More recently, sportsmen have moved game

species to improve hunting and fishing. Agriculturists have established domestic animals

and crop plants at new sites. The mixing of flora and fauna in new combinations and

locations during the past five centuries led to consequences that affect the whole country.

In the national parks, native species have been reduced or even driven to extinction by the

presence of NIS.

Why are they a problem?

Exotic species, often unchecked by the predators, pathogens and parasites that

plagued them at home, can outcompete native species in the new environment and destroy

resources critical to the survival of indigenous species. Exotics can modify normal

ecological processes or relationships, including predator-prey and herbivore-plant

relationships; nutrient and energy cycles; and soil-building and erosion processes. The

impact of an exotic is not always dramatically apparent—they can cause ecological damage

that is inconspicuous on a grand scale. However, as ecosystems all over the world are

already under duress, a new biological presence can be the last straw for some native

species through predation, competition or alteration of the landscape.’ Nine of eleven

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species of forest birds in originally snake-free Guam that were around in 1945 are now

extinct courtesy the brown tree snake.

The Congressional Office of Technology Assessment has identified 4,500 foreign

species that are new tenants in the United States, with about 15% known to cause

economic, environmental or human health damage.** This century, 79 exotics have caused

at least 97 billion dollars in damage. The report estimates that a certain 15 species of

plants, insects and disease-causing organisms that have been brought to the U.S. could

cause up to $134 billion in losses in the next 50 years. In 1993, 25 renowned scientists,

including Paul Ehrlich and E O Wilson, signed a letter to A1 Gore asserting that the

integrity of the nation’s ecosystem is “severely threatened by invasions of alien species.” ”

According to Science magazine, “as the pace of human commerce quickens, more

and more stowaways are expected to arrive uninvited.” * Conflicts involving exotic species

will increase as human population grows and we continue to shave away habitats. Modern

transportation will continue to facilitate new species combinations and interactions

crawling through the window into our shrinking islands of preservation. As international

trade and travel increase so do the opportunities for plants and animals to be moved to

new habitats, a process OTA describes as “a game of biological Russian roulette.”^

Further, according to Pimm, mere resolve to change isn’t sufficient. Even if the drive to

introduce species is reduced, faster and larger volumes of international travel increase the

probability of accidental introduction.^^ The report issued by the Congress’ Office of

Technology Assessment asserts that the spread of harmful exotics eludes attempts at

control! Due to the limitations of the current state of knowledge, it is difficult to predict

the outcome of introducing a species, making it difficult to anticipate potential trouble.

Also, since most newly introduced species begin as a small population, the impact from a

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population increase can be difficult to foresee. Some of the most harmful non-indigenous

species have been imported purposefully, like kudzu, water hyacinth and feral goats, and

the Olympic mountain goats, with no foreknowledge of negative impacts. At least 36 of

the 300 weeds in the western United States were cultivated for crops and gardens.

However, only a small portion of exotic species are actually “bad” in the human frame of

reference. Cattle, soybeans and wheat are just a few of the exotics upon which U.S.

agriculture partly depends^^ Nevertheless, of the 205 species that have become recently

established (since 1980), over a fourth are deemed harmful by OTA. ^

Most of the legislation and regulations addressing the introduction of foreign

species are inadequate and inconsistent.^^ One of the problems with controlling exotic

encroachment is that adjacent parcels of land sometimes have conflicting policies. As will

be addressed later, this is an issue that comes into play with the Olympic Peninsula

mountain goat population, managed by three different agencies.

Ecologists have studied introductions for decades, to better comprehend the

machinations of an ecosystem by observing how exotic species perturb them. In discussing

the powers of transformation of some NIS, the Office of Technology Assessment explains

how some NIS “‘don’t merely compete with or consume native species, they change the

rules of the game by altering environmental conditions or resource availability .

However, of late, “they have approached the exotic species with a new urgency,

increasingly alarmed at what invasion experts such as Ted Case of the University of

California, San Diego, call ‘the hom*ogenization of the world. As the Office of

Technology Assessment warns.

Many harmful NIS clearly impair biological diversity by causing population declines, species extinctions, or simplification of ecosystems. Moreover, the very establishment of a NIS diminished global diversity; as NIS like

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• starlings, grass carp, and crabgrass spread to more places, these places become more alike biologically.^^

Michael Soule, a prominent conservation biologist, sees the spread of NIS as the only high

impact threat to biological diversity that affects both the richer and poorer countries at

every level of organization, from single genes to whole landscapes.


Overall problem

Almost half of the currently endangered-or threatened species in the United States

exist in the National Park System. A study of twenty-four national parks in the Western

United States and Canada showed twenty-seven mammalian species have gone extinct

since the establishment of the national parks. ^^Mount Rainier and Yosemite national parks

have already lost 35-40 percent of their sp ec ie s .In a 1980 report to Congress, 300 NFS

areas reported 602 cases where alien plants and animals were ‘perceived threats’ to the

natural resources of the unit.^’ Only 30 percent of the species were adequately

documented by scientific s t u d y . I n a survey of national parks taken in 1986 and 1987,

NIS plants were listed as the most common threat to natural resources. NIS animals were

the fourth most common threat. Parks in every regional area are affected.There is an

increasing need for intervention on NPS lands to stem ecological disruptions. ^

Presently however, less than 1% of the NPS budget is spent on NIS. Only 6% of

the total NPS budget goes towards resource management. Nevertheless, recent priority

has been placed on NIS projects, demonstrating a developing concern. 42% of NIS

projects are actually being funded or ranked as highest priority unfunded projects as

opposed to 36% of other natural resource management projects."*^

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Ungulates, the hooved vegetarians, are one of the most disruptive types of

introduced species. These species can change the characteristics of an ecosystem, and can

invade otherwise undisturbed native ecosystems. A generalist herbivore can cause

substantial community changes because the eflfects of the introduction become

widespread.**** Ungulates cause erosion, affect soil fertility and promote successful alien

plant invasions, often allowing disturbance-oriented plant species to dominate plant

communities. They also reduce total plant cover, which favors the better defended alien

and disturbance-oriented species. Native plants are often defenseless against a new grazer,

lacking protections like thorns and toxicity. High altitude species like mountain goats

cause soil erosion in fragile alpine areas. After the damage is done, recovery is slow

because alpine areas typically have shallow soil and short growing seasons.** Through

consumption, trampling, wallowing and burrowing, herbivores cause death and injury to

plant tissue, alter plant growth and reproduction and create an opportunity for

disturbance-oriented species to invade.** Yet,

The role of large herbivores in shaping the species composition, structure, and function of ecosytems is still poorly understood. Until science identifies which components and processes are key to ecosystem dynamics, it will be difficult to design management actions to achieve this goal and especially difficult to define the approximate time scale.**

These are some of the reasons behind the National Park Service’s concern about the

mountain goats.

As species continue to dwindle in number and interconnections change in response

to the mingling of native and non-native species, these dilemmas of picking and choosing

between species, and defining the criteria by which to determine which to protect and

which to remove will become more difficult. Simply preventing introductions isn’t the only

dilemma. Making choices about already established non-native species will potentially get

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more complicated. In Big Cypress National Preserve in Florida, the Florida panther is an

endangered species, the only confirmed breeding population is in south Florida, numbering

between 30 and 5 0 . Two population centers are in the Big Cypress area. Any population

trend is probably downward, due primarily to development and associated habitat loss.'*

European feral hogs, introduced by the Spanish in the 16th century, are the most common

food source for the south Florida panthers, followed by white-tailed deer.®” Feral hogs

uproot extensive areas, potentially threatening native plants and archeological resources.

Rooting could also disturb areas, thus allowing for exotic plant establishment. Negative

impacts on native wildlife through competition and transmitting disease is also feared.

Hogs are known to carry brucellosis and could infect the panther. Of the 22 exotic

animals collected in Big Cypress, hogs have the greatest impact on native species.® The

Florida state historic preservation officer has recommended that the feral hog population

be reduced, because of the potential damages from rooting ® However, National Park

Service staff have decided that there is no current need for management and in fact are

working to discourage hunting of the hogs on bordering lands as that would reduce the

population available in the preserve and to the panthers.®'^

In the next chapter, I will discuss the particulars of the mountain goats’ impact on

the flora and fauna of its habitat in Olympic National Park.

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Olympic Mountain Goats as Case Study:

The Conflict Between the Plants and the Animal

“Trapped by an experienced trapper in the Canadian Selkirks at Banff, the mountain goats were crated and shipped to Port Angeles, arriving here New Year’s Day. They were taken aboard a truck and released at a point on the Olympic highway where the white railing skirts the road. When the crates were first opened the goats refused to come out, being somewhat dopey from their long confinement. First one large one came out. . .the goat went up the rock cliff and found a crag satisfactory to him, and looked over Lake Crescent and surrounding country, going higher a short time afterward. Two other goats came out. One struck up the highway toward the fish hatchery and the other back toward Lake Sutherland. The latter scattered a road crew before he finally took to the hills. The last one went up the rock cliff and joined number one. Bringing mountain goats to this section comes about after planning of six years duration... Members of the game commission, officials of the forestry service and officers of the Klahhane club who have studied the habitat of the mountain goats all agree that the section back from Port Angeles is ideal for their propagation. There are many high peaks to which they can escape from their enemies, and to which the cougar will not go to battle with them. They are more wary than the other animals of the hills and are good fighters.”

The Murrelet. vol.6:10.. 1925

“Twelve goats have been liberated within the past few years at the foot of Storm King on Lake Crescent. One band of seven, a part of which were kids, has been seen; also a band of five. . .People working and living there frequently see goats standing clearly outlined against the firs, the dark rock or sky. Also, they have been seen from planes...There were many who believed, at first, that the cougar would get all the kids, but apparently their introduction is and will continue to be a success.”

The Murrelet. vol. 13:25, January 1932

I vaguely mentioned the project I was working on to Lyle. He thought for a moment and then said, “The goats at Olympic National Park. They’re invading the park and eating the vegetation.”

I bristled a little. “I prefer to think of them as introduced to the area. They didn’t really invade.”Lyle looked peeved.

“Tell that to the plants being eaten

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“Targets,” he said calmly. “The idea at the time was the more targets the better,”

explained Victor Scheffer, a retired USFWS biologist. He was describing the logic behind

the transplantation of mountain goats to the Olympic Peninsula in the 1920’s, then

managed by the U.S. Forest Service, Four goats were imported in 1925 from British

Columbia and eight more were shuffled in from Alaska a few years later. The goats were

traded for Roosevelt elk, one of the features for which Olympic National Park protection

would later be established.” In 1938, 13 years after the shaggy mountain climbers were

introduced with bullseyes on their rumps. Congress designated a substantial portion of the

Olympic Peninsula as a national park.^* The National Park Service now protected the

mountain goats along with the other flora and fauna within the park borders. Goats turned

from target to protected tourist attraction. The park was ideal goat real estate and the goat

population flourished.

When the national park system was first established, parks were managed for the

visual features and attractive animals. Yellowstone National Park was established in 1872

for the purpose of the preservation “of all timber, mineral deposits, natural curiosities, or

wonders within said park.”^ ; Joseph Sax further describes, “Most early parks were set

aside by Congress for their scenery and curiosities, and they reflected the public’s

fascination with monumentalism as well as their ignorance or naivete when it comes to

biology.” ” So it was okay when “bad” predators, like wolves, were shot to protect the

“good” populations of the more cuddly herbivores, like elk and bison. It was okay to bring

in new species to enhance the park where it was deficient, particularly in the form of fish

stocking. In the mid 1930s, between 20 and 30 non-native species of fish had been

permanently established in park waters. Some stocking took place in almost every park.^^

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A little later, the Congressional Organic Act of 1916 established a broader purpose

for the new national park system. Parks were to;

“...conserve the scenery and the natural and historical objects and the wildlife therein, and

to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave

them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.” This act can be and still is

interpreted by some to encompass all pre-park wildife. For some, mountain goats were

“wildlife therein” upon the establishment of Olympic National Park.^^

Since the Organic Act, the National Park Service policy has gradually increased its

emphasis on the restoration of natural systems. In 1963, then Secretary of the Interior

Stewart Udall appointed a special committee to review wildlife management. The resulting

“Leopold Report” was a comprehensive examination of park wildlife management goals

and policies and methods that would best accomplish those goals.^^ A. Starker Leopold


As a primary goal, we would recommend that the biotic associations within each park be maintained, or where necessary recreated, as nearly as possible in the condition that prevailed when the area was first visited by white man. A national park should be a vignette of primitive America..

Leopold was suggesting that a “pre-Columbian vegetation mosaic could be restored by

reinstituting natural disturbance processes, paticularly fire, to park landscapes...The report

provided a stimulus for a positive shift in park, and later wilderness, policy by emphasizing

the need for active management. Active management includes among other things, re­

introducing predators and removing introduced animals where possible, to restore the

“écologie scene as viewed by first European vi s i tor s .Leopold also stated, “Where

animal populations get out of balance with their habitat and threaten the continued

existence of a desired environment, population control becomes essential.” and

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Where other methods of control are inapplicable or impractical, excess park ungulates must be removed by killing... control of animal populations in the national parks would appear to us to be an integral part of park management, best handled by the National Park Service itself.

and “Direct removal by killing is the most economical and effective way of regulating

ungulates within a park.” ®

The Leopold Report catalyzed the park service’s shift away from grooming parks

for the visuals and the sexy animals. Leopold’s ideas weren’t radically new. In fact, his

suggestions were echoes of observations and ideas which had been discussed for decades.

But this time, the parks and policymakers listened. The new challenge for the national

parks was to protect the present and restore the past. Leopold’s ideas were taken a step

further in the 1970’s when the basic goals of natural resource management

. ..evolved into the refined ecological perspective that is prescribed by the Service today—the perpetuation of a park’s natural processes and total systems dynamics rather than the preservation of individual members of single populations of related harvestable species...(replacing) the concept of preserving vignettes of primitive America at a fixed period in history which had, only a decade earlier, replaced the archaic concept of protecting only selected species.

A report attached to House Resolution 10024, the 1938 enabling legislation of

Olympic National Park (ONP) articulated the park’s purpose: preserve for the benefit, use and enjoyment of the people, the finest sample of primeval forests of Sitka Spruce, western hemlock, Douglas-fir, and western red cedar in the entire United States: to provide suitable winter range and permanent protection for the herds of native Roosevelt elk and other wildlife indigenous to the area...and to conserve and make available the mountainous and coastal landscapes therein.’®

In 1976 the park was designated by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural

Organization as a Biosphere Reserve, as one of the world’s major ecosystems, deserving

protection of its genetic diversity while providing an area for environmental research and

education. In 1981, ONP was deemed a World Heritage Site as one of the natural and

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cultural properties of “outstanding universal value to mankind.”^ The designating

document described Olympic as “...the best natural area in the entire Pacific

Northwest . . . [with] outstanding examples of on-going evolution and superlative natural

phenomena.” The document continued to express concern over the fact that one of the

main dangers to the area is “ . .oddly, one of its attractions—the mountain goat. . .their

introduction. . .may be causing significant changes in the natural ecosystem.

The Olympic Peninsula is generally considered a geographically isolated region, or

“biological refugium.” Ten million years ago, long before the mountain goat’s ancestor

crossed from Asia to North America, the earth heaved up the Olympic Mountains. The

range is isolated from other ranges by topography: the peninsula is surrounded by water

on three sides—the Pacific Ocean, the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the Puget Sound. The

lowlands of the Chehalis River valley spread forth from the south side. As a result of

this isolation, there are several native plant and animal species unique to the Olympic

Peninsula, including “...nine species and varieties of plants that are found nowhere else in

the w o r l d . T h e r e are eleven species of mammals native to the Cascade Range that are

not native to the Olympic Range lying 120 kilometers away. Six of these missing species

are characteristic of alpine and subalpine habitats. However, humans manage to

overcome such natural impediments to mix and match species. This century the range of

mountain goats has been extended by human hands to parts of Oregon, Colorado, Nevada,

Utah and South Dakota and in areas where they are non-native in Wyoming and

M ontana.B esides the goats, the Olympic National Park has been embellished with other

newcomers like starlings, pigeons, Norway rats, quail, pheasants, red fox, coyotes,

porcupines, bullfrogs, and largemouth bass. There are also almost 300 transplanted plants,

including aggressive invaders like reed canary grass, Canadian thistle and hol ly.Post -

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Columbian settlers are an easily forgotten alien also over-running the interior and exterior

of many national parks. They, like the goats, clomp on high-country terrain, especially

low, scrubby vegetation and ridgetop alpine cushion plant communities. Damage amassed

in a couple of years can take up to 100 years to bounce back and only then when

reparation is possible.

Mountain goats are “perfectly adapted to the high mountain meadows of Olympic

National Park”^ They tend to summer above 5,000 feet and winter down to as low as a

few hundred feet above sea level. In 1989, they occupied 30 to 40 percent of the park,

including most of the region’s alpine meadows and about 70 percent of the subalpine

zone.®* The goats eat alpine and subalpine plants. They leave their mark on alpine and

subalpine vegetative communities by “feeding, bedding, trampling, wallowing, and dust

bathing with resulting soil loss and the changes in the natural subalpine community.” By

“grazing and trampling rare native plants, and creating trails and wallows that result in

extensive alteration of the fragile alpine habitats. . . [mountain goats]cause considerable

habitat modification, compete with native fauna, and alter natural ecosystems ® The

redistribution of nitrogen from their excrement can change how nitrogen is cycled through

the ecosystem and this could affect the productivity of local plants.®'* They reduce moss

and lichen cover, increase soil disturbance and expose mineral soil through their wallowing

and trampling. As a result of these actions, the vegetative communities change. Ruderal

species increase and palatable species decrease.® Mountain goat grazing alters climax

subalpine communities by reducing the dominance of several species.®® These areas

dominated by disturbance-oriented species differ from surrounding vegetation. ® Though

other large herbivores (Roosevelt elk and black-tailed deer) cause disturbance through

trampling, bedding, grazing, trails or wallowing, medium to high goat densities exert a

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significantly higher impact, especially on rocky outcrops.®* Fragile alpine communities are

particularly vulnerable to mountain goat impact, “characterized by short growing seasons,

low plant productivity, and shallow soils.”*

Unfortunately, 43% of the 77 rare plants found in the park occur within mountain

goat summer r ang e .S om e of these plants, particularly at the higher elevations, may be

considered ‘ecologically naive’ \ never having encountered a mountain goat’s impact

before. Three peninsula endemics. Piper’s bell flower, Olympic Mountain groundsel, and

milkvetch, and one endemic shared with nearby Vancouver Island, Olympic Mountain

aster, have been disappearing down goat gullets. The Olympic Mountain milkvetch is

found only in the Northeast Olympic Mountains. The Washington State Natural Heritage

Program calls it “threatened” and it qualifies for Category 1 listing by the Endangered

Species Act. A Category 1 candidate is under reveiw for listing as threatened or

endangered and the U.S. Fish and Wildllife Service has enough information to support the

proposal to list, but other species have higher priority.^^ The total population of this

species numbers between 3,500 and 4,000 individuals. All 12 of the subpopulations of

milkvetch are in prime mountain goat summer terrain, and 11 are within the park.^^ Goats

injure and kill milkvetch plants by grazing, trampling and wallowing on them. "* Goat-

caused mortality of milkvetch plants was documented even at medium goat densities.

“Grazing was evident on up to 72% of the milkvetch plants in some plots in a given year;

much of the impact from severe grazing.” Schreiner also documented goat wallowing

causing Astragalus mortal i ty. In long-term monitoring between 1985 and 1991, and after

most of the goat removals, the milkvetch population sagged briefly and then returned to its

original size. However, results remain inconclusive because all measurements were taken

in the midst of the removal period, and there are no pre-goat measurements for

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comparison purposes. Milkvetch density was much lower where goat density was highest,

but milkvetch is so rare that without a pre-goat frame of reference, a solid conclusion

couldn’t be d r a w n . E d Schreiner suggests that maximum milkvetch population recovery

from present impacts would probably require 25 to 100 years to recover, depending upon

the site.^^

Wallowing is the other high-profile goat activity. Black-tailed deer and Roosevelt

elk also disturb the soil, wallow and bed, but on a smaller scale than the g o a t s . A wallow

is typically “a flat spot on a slope where vegetation has been eliminated. Mountain goats

scrape all of the surface material away and any rocks and stones.”^ Mountain goats

earnestly dustbathe in the summer, scooping up soil and showering it over their bodies to

cool off on hot summer days and to fight off annoying insects. Wallowing disturbs soils

and creates mineral substrates for colonization by plants. Ruderal plant species that thrive

in response to soil disturbance begin to colonize the wallow edges, while the originally

dominant alpine and subalpine species decline. This disruption also reduces the total

amount of habitat for plant species.” ** More than 700 wallows in Olympic National Park

have been counted—most in medium and high goat density areas. Most were 1 to 3 meters

square with the disturbed area extending another 2 meters downslope, often created over a

single season with several uses.^"^ However, there have been some larger wallows with

one as large as 230 square meters.'"^ The largest wallow discovered displaced

approximately 45 tons of soi l .Usual ly on a steep slope, a wallow, in breaking the

vegetation cover, accelerates soil erosion. If the goats were removed, “Significant soil

restoration would eventually occur, although soils recover at a very slow rate, especially in

alpine areas where steep topography and cold temperatures inhibit soil genesis.”

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Another part of the problem is that mountain goats aren’t picky eaters. Goats are

generalist herbivores, able to consume most, including rare, plant species. Thus,

mountain goat numbers are not directly checked by the lower abundance of threatened,

rare and sensitive plant species. In other words, there is no feedback loop to control

mountain goat increases in the face of a decrease in the number of rare plants. If it’s a

plant, they’re likely to eat it, “from coniferous trees to f e r n s . G o a t s pick their habitat

more for its physical features than the specific food selection. When they stake out habitat,

it appears that the mere availability of plant resources was more important than a

hankering for a particular type of plant. As Schreiner described, goats “have an almost

psychological attachment to rock,” and leafy greens are a secondary consideration. Rock

outcrops are needed for quick getaways and that combined with areas with late melting

snow for thermo-regulation seem to be the most important criteria for habitat selection.

Vertical cliffs and rocky bluffs are key features for mountain goat survival as havens from

predators, free of deep snow and offering food out of reach of other herbivores.*" And,

because of their attachment to rocky outcrops, goats still substantially grazed in such areas

even at lower population levels..** This unique access to such areas means that “...fragile

alpine, subalpine, and rocky outcrop vegetation receives a disproportionately high amount

of goat use.”** So mountain goat impact is most conspicuous in areas next to rocky

outcrops. Plant communities shift “in favor of disturbance-oriented plant species, including

western yarrow, waterleaf and Indian thistle.” Foraging and increased slope movement

due to trampling cause these changes.**'*

Klahhane Ridge was, at one time, the site of the highest concentration of mountain

goats in history. Vegetation studies indicated that mountain goat grazing and wallowing

changed plant composition, increased areas of bare ground and reduced the biomass of

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endemic plants in the subalpine areas. And, vegetation studies done at Klahhane Ridge

suggested that the goat density had to be substantially reduced before “appreciable

recovery of plant communities could occur." Goat use has been detected even at low

goat density, and park researchers expect that vegetation impacts occur at low densities

though such impacts haven’t been quanitified."^ In 1988 and 1990, even though the goat

numbers had been reduced, evidence of goat use was still visible, including consumption

of two endemics."’ From the series of removals and studies, park scientists have

concluded that “ ...virtual elimination of goats will be required to appreciably reduce

grazing and trampling impacts on plant species in preferred goat habitat.”**

The impact of mountain goats on other animals isn’t a known quantity, but guesses

abound. The park staff did not directly observe and so could not accurately determine

which herbivore species was responsible for consuming which plants. Herbivorous sign

was used to infer the responsible species, but without solid accuracy."^ According to

herbivorous sign, mountain goat, black-tailed deer and marmot territory overlap

significantly. National Park Service studies indicate that there is broad overlap in the

vegetation used by the various park ungulates in the summer, though this was not sufficent

evidence for resource competition. Winter observations showed little overlap. There is

scanty evidence for actual resource competition between the goats and other large

ungula tes .Since it is clear that goats alter the flora and become locally dense, even

without specifically determined impacts, park scientists anticipate goat presence somehow

impacts native residential fauna. Despite the lack of concrete evidence and research, the

DEIS does state that “...where their activities overlap with goats and similar plant foods

are used, it is reasonable to assume that such species could benefit from the removal of a

possible competitor such as goats."'^ There is a particularly strong possibility for

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interaction with the small mammals and birds that also use rock outcrops with sparse and

altered vegetation. Ed Schreiner says,

‘When you alter community composition.. you always affect other herbivores—insects, small rodents, deer and plant-pollinating birds. And when you affect those, you affect carnivores, creating a domino effect.When you introduce an exotic species, you’re playing ecological roulette.

But this “can’t be proved empirically.”*'

According to scientists at Olympic National Park, there’s a long-term problem

with the continued presence of the mountain goat. They can’t guarantee that the goats will

gobble or smoosh the last individual of a rare plant species, but they do see goats breaking

up and reducing populations and habitats. They note in the Environmental Impact

Statement that fragmentation and reductions of populations increase the risk of extinction.

Also, “extinction often involves a combination of forces acting on of small, fragmented

populations.”* The resource management team at Olympic doesn’t pretend to have the

facts to draw an accurate flow chart predicting exactly what goat presence or absence will

do. However, they have enough confidence in their assumptions to fight to have the goats

removed. Their inability to make definite statements and predictions makes their argument

less compelling for groups not supportive of goat removal. Assumptions are also difficult

to make due to the scientists’ lack of “pre-mountain goat measurements”.* Also, a lot of

the endemic plants have slow reproductive rates. Park scientists feel long-term monitoring

is necessary to get a feel for long-term populations trends. ** For more accurate foresight,

long-term studies of individual taxa are required—but the enormity of that task with the

lack of resources, including staff, time and money, makes that daunting. * Furthermore,

some park staff fear the time for more research will allow the problems time to worsen.

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What also makes the situation difficult to forecast is the significantly reduced

population of mountain goats. Mountain goats typically don’t rebound quickly from heavy

reductions. The decline experienced by this population makes Doug Houston, research

biologist with the National Biological Survey stationed in Olympic National Park,

reluctant to predict future responses, knowing that it has always been tricky to manage a

goat population successfully for sustained yield because goats are easily overharvested.

Yet, they do have certain capacities to reproduce in the face of population reduction, such

as faster growth, younger breeding ages and an increase in twinnage. But it’s not just a

numbers game. The overall numbers may be low but it is the actions of the individual

groups that may still impact local areas. Goats group together in independent small groups

call nodes, and it’s difficult to predict accurately the impact of one node to the next, as

each node does different things. Also, some of the plant taxa are so rare that a low

number of mountain goats could still place plants at risk. Park scientists estimate an

unchecked mountain goat population would eventually grow to approximately 1,400

goats, which would lead to modification of the vegetation until some kind of equilibrium

was achieved. The resulting effects on the endemic and rare plants is pretty much an

unknown q u an t i ty .B u t park scientists feel that it’s safe to say “...increased numbers of

goats could cause some, or all 33, taxa of rare/endemic plants to become extinct at

Olympic if [the mountain goat population remained and grew].” ' '

Enough research has been done to alarm the park scientists, but not necessarily to

convince everyone. In Ed Schreiner’s words, “Biomass won’t change, but the system or

community will.”^ Wright asserts that one of the major problems with the goat issue is

that a casual observer won’t detect ecological damage like changes in plant dominance and

species composition.*'^^ So it has been difficult for the normal observer to react to the

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scientists’ cause for alarm, because for many, “If it’s green, it’s fine.” Further, scientists

cannot guarantee the ultimate eventuality of extinction. But the Office of Technology

Assessment warns.

Overemphasizing the significance of extinction as a consequence of NIS tends to divert attention from their other very significant and unambiguous environmental effects. Species extinctions do not have to occur for biological communities to be radically and permanently altered. Nor are extinctions necessary for the United States to experience a significant decline in the abundance, diversity and aesthetic value of its biological resources as populations of indigenous species shrink and numbers of NIS increase.

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Chapter 3

Getting the Goats of Olympic National Park:

Technology, Firepower, Science and Bureacracy

"These goats have rights and they have feelings," said Wayne Johnson, with the

Northwest Animal Rights Network, "and if the lady in back wants them removed, she

should go up there, look them each in the eye and pull the trigger herself."

"That's why they were put out there in the first place," responded the "lady in

back," Polly Dyer, president of the Olympic Park Associates.

Then, from the front of the room again; "The Constitution says. We the People,’

not 'We the Goats,' " said Ken Shirey, a man who likes to hunt.

They were all talking about the Olympic National Park's mountain

goats and what to do about them.

In all, about 40 people gathered at a Tukwila motel last night to review the sort of

technology, firepower, science and bureaucracy that hom*o sapiens might require if they

decide to exert their authority over Oreamnos americamis ”^^

Science and Bureaucracy

In the late 1960’s park staff began to notice changes in the alpine vegetation in

mountain goat h a b i t a t . I n the 1970’s, Olympic National Park staff and graduate students

began studying the goats’ impact on the vegetation and the potential threat to the

sensitive, endemic plants.*"" The National Park Service started edging towards a plan of

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action in the 80’s. From 1981 to 1995, the issue was cycled through two environmental

assessments and most recently an environmental impact statement released in March 1995

Between 1981 and 1989, under the provisions of the two environmental

assessments, the National Park Service captured over 600 and actually removed 407 goats

for research and/or population reduction. 360 were captured and translocated, 28 suffered

capture related mortalities and 19 were shot as specimens. There were also 3 known

illegal kills, and 111 goats were killed by recreational hunters outside the park. Based

on the 1981 Environmental Assessment, the National Park Service removed some of the

goats as part of an experimental management plan. The experimental management plan

was basically a test drive for the various methods of goat removal, including sterilization.

Research was also done on goat dispersal and vegetative impact. This stage was

finished in 1985 . Park staff perceived the goats to be changing the sub-alpine plant

community and decided that, in order to uphold Congressional mandate and resource

management policy, goats needed to be moved out. A second environmental assessment

was issued in 1987 to implement an operational management plan and solution. The

shaping process behind this one brought everyone to the table, including the Washington

Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Forest Service, the Native Plant Society and the

Fund for Animals as members of an advisory committee to monitor the program. Not

surprisingly, the agencies managing the bordering lands had different agendas. Neither the

Washington Department of Wildlife nor the USDA Forest Service would support the NPS

in eliminating all goats in the park .*" The Washington Department of Wildlife and the

USDA Forest Service were willing to support the NPS if Olympic Peninsula goat hunting

was preserved and if the goats were live-captured for transfer into native ranges in


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Public interest groups varied in their perspectives at the 1987 Environmental

Assessment hearings, with particular debate surrounding the issue of how the goats should

be removed. The Washington Native Plant Society felt it important to eliminate the

goats entirely, including from the eastern edge of the park, which bordered lands managed

by the Forest Service and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife because that

area contained some of the most valuable plant habitats. Fund For Animals supported

non-lethal measures. Hunting groups also opposed the eradication of park mountain goats

which would reduce the huntable population on bordering lands. However, they were also

pushing for the right to shoot the goats, should they be eliminated from the park.

The National Park Service finally decided to remove all the goats from the core

population area, first through various live-capture techniques and finally through shooting

when live-capture became too expensive, ineffective or hazardous. The population

which flowed in and out of state-managed hunting lands, where goats are bow hunted,

would only be controlled, not eliminated. This resolution was a product of the

superintendent wanting to act and to avoid the impediment of a significant stew. The lively

debates, according to Carlquist, fueled the compromises which were “. . .perceived

necessary by managers to reconcile conflicts between National Park Service management

objectives and concerns of various interest groups. Some park personnel have seen it

as melting under political heat. Biologically, it was seen as the wrong decision.

According to Shelly Sparhawk, the writer o f the following Draft Environmental Impact

Statement, “Some would say it wasn’t even a compromise.Control l ing the goat

population on the eastern border was particularly contentious for a few reasons. First, the

vegetation in that area contained the highest density of rare plants in the whole park.* '*

Secondly, controlling the population would be difficult. The Olympic mountain goats had

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already proven difficult to track and to count. To “control” the goats on a regular basis on

the border would be a costly proposition, priced around 20,000 dollars a year. Because

money is scarce for the Park Service and border control would be an expensive task

yielding small returns, funds would potentially be shoved in another direction. Also, goats

could begin to re-colonize the park. “For reasons of cost and the likelihood of shifting

budget priorities over time.. this program could easily shift from the proposed annual

sustained control to occasional sustained control by default,” opening up an opportunity

for goats to re-colonize the park.

Nevertheless, the program was implemented and set for completion in 1992. Based

on earlier research on the viability of various live capture methods, dart gunning with

immobilizing drugs and net-gunning from helicopters were the selected t echniques .For

two years, goats were darted, sling-loaded and packed in snow and co*cktail ice for road

trips to areas where they would not be considered an “unwelcome addition.” Ironically,

they were travelling in many cases to areas where goats would be hunted. Other goats

were sterilized or shot as biological specimens. Park staff planned on removing 200 goats

between 1988 and 1989 and holding capture-related mortalities at 5%. In 1988, 80 goats

were removed with 8.7% being lost to capture-related d e a t h s . I n 1989, some of the

capture attempts were made in more difficult terrain. Only 67 goats were removed with

a 19% mortality rate. Several goats died from the stress and mishaps during the

trapping and airlift ingIncreasingly elusive goats in precipitous terrain increased the

hazards of the relocation program for both the helicopter crew and the remaining goats. In

1990, the live capture operation was stopped, the methods deemed too risky to the

capture team*^' Relocation was also very expensive, costing more with the increasing

reduction of the goat population, finally reaching nearly $1,000 a goat . ^ A panel of

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scientists concluded that birth control techniques were impractical and inefficient as a

long-term and comprehensive solution to goat removal. The park concluded that they

were at a live-capture impasse. But shooting the remaining population was a hot potato

and the superintendent, Maureen Finnerty, anticipating controversy, already hearing

murmurs of litigation from Fund for Animals, stepped up the approach to the problem

with an EIS.^^ The EIS, shuffled through four years of starts and delays, was released in

March 1995.

In the meantime, the goat population continued to decline. ONP research staff

explain that harsh winters, the removal of lactating nannies, and the general difficulty of

taking accurate censuses of a mountain goat population all contributed to the apparent

decline. Today, an estimated two to three hundred mountain goats are sprinkled in the

alpine regions of Olympic National Park, the remains of an earlier population peaking at

approximately 1,000 goats in the 1980’s.


The removal of herbivorous mammals has often proved challenging and

expensive. Mountain goat population dynamics are unpredictable, making removal

programs difficult to assess and prescribe. Uncertainty in the population estimate

translates into uncertainty over the needed scale of removal efforts. Mountain goats

reside in hard to reach places. Goats dance on sheer rock precipices, daunting to other

ungulate and bipedal users of the park. They are remarkable climbers, equipped with “A

compact, muscular body and short, powerful legs.”^ Yearling mountain goats at the

Woodland Park Zoo “have been known to scale eight-foot-high chain-link fences with

comparative ease; an overhang is necessary to prevent escape.”’** The remaining sub-

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populations are less accessible and dense than before. As a result, a helicopter is necessary

for any removal plan, and more captures and removals are going to be trickier.

There is also no clean, cuddly form of removal that is truly humane and truly

feasible. As at the 1987 Environmental Assessment hearings, part of the debate

surrounding the mountain goats has revolved around how the goats should be removed. It

has become not only a practical and political question, but also an ethical one. For some,

the bottom line is efficiency and cost. For others, humane management mandates non-

lethal practices, or no management at all. Still others discuss humane management as a

choice between bullets. Live capture methods are popularly supported, but in this case,

they tend to be less friendly to the goat than many people realize. This is the case for

several reasons. Prior to removal, the goats are tracked and darted. Darting a goat from a

helicopter is a relatively easy task, but it’s not easy on the goat. “Mountain goats are easy

to approach for darting from a helicopter, but difficult to control and herd away from

hazards during the 30 seconds to one minute required for drug i n d u c t i o n . O n e of the

problems lies in the goat’s natural response of fright and flight. Catching montain goats by

using drugs is tricky because the animals normally respond to danger, like a noisy

helicopter, by seeking higher ground. In rugged mountain terrrain, drugs would

dangerously disorient the goats or make them uncoordinated/^^ As the live capture

program continued into 1989, there were increasing numbers of treacherous situations.

Capture attempts were sometimes launched in more difficult terrain than 1988 and

mortalities increased, mostly from falls sustained during drug induction or netting.^’’ By

1990, the staff had captured most of the goats and the remaining animals were in more

rugged terrain. Further removal would require close passes with helicopters and the

drugged animals continued the risk of stumbling off precipices.'’^

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Another problem with live capturing some mountain goats is their natural reaction

to being tracked by a helicopter and darted: lethal terror. The “...stresses of pursuit and

handling caused several goats to develop a reaction called ‘capture myopathy’, in which

lactic acid levels in muscles surge to levels that can lead to paralysis and d e a t h . I t ’s the

result of the psychological stress, extreme physical exertion and increased body

temperature that occurs during the trauma of stress and handling which cause muscle

exhaustion and lactic acid buildup leading to fatal muscle degeneration and paralysis.

The National Park Service started to face the fact that these methods were dangerous and

were beginning to be dishearteningly counterproductive. Paul Crawford explained: “One

of the main reasons we cut out live capture was that it just seemed inhumane. If you’re

going to try to live-capture the goats in order to avoid shooting them and end up losing

one fifth of them anyway, it starts not making much sense.

There were also some traumatic effects on the goats left behind. Without close

scrutiny, it’s difficult to distinguish between male and female goats. When goats were

spotted and darted, their gender wasn’t always known. Furthermore, helicopters fly in the

brief Olympic summer, when goats are more visible, which is the same time that nannies

give birth to kids.^^ From 1985-1989, 66% of the 102 captured adult females were

lactating, leading to the probable death of related kids and possible deaths of some

yearlings. Furthermore, a live capture program seems a little paradoxical when most of the

goats were taken to hunting areas. More than 300 goats have been live captured and

removed from the park. Most of these goats have been given to game departments of

surrounding states for restocking ranges.

Contraception has been examined as a gentler way to remove the goats. In 1992,

the National Park Service set up an independent panel of five scientists (wildlife biologists.

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reproductive physiologists, and veterinarians) to look at the viability of birth control as a

management tool.*^* In 1993, the National Park Service requested a follow-up from the

panel members regarding new advancements in contraception. In 1994, during the

preparation of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, the panel members were again

asked for assessments of the applicability of contraceptives for control or elimination of

the park mountain goats. Four additional scientists were also asked for similar assessments

at this time, including their evaluations of the 1992 and 1993 reports from the original


Jay Kirkpatrick, one of the scientists on the original panel, was disturbed by how

the ONP superintendent told him and the other scientists that they were to primarily

discuss contraception’s capacity for elimination, not control in 1992. He concedes that this

mountain goat population could not be eliminated in less than one hundred years with the

use of contraceptives. The involved scientists still addressed the possibility of combining

contraception with lethal control if the NPS was willing to consider reducing and

controlling the population, not just elimination. Dr. Jessup, in his 1993 follow-up said,

I do believe the (sic) contraception, even limited to those currently available...has potential to help control mountain goat ,populations...consider combining several tools including local population reduction by shooting and/or removal in sensitive areas, and contraception with the goal of reducing and controlling mountain goat populations.

The scientists were divided as to the promise held by pending contraceptive

technology. Dr. Robert A. Garrott claimed, “ is unrealistic to expect current

contraceptive technologies or those that may become available in the near future to

effectively reduce the population.” ' * However, R. Bruce Gill explained.

In our own research with hormonal toxins, we are on the threshold of producing an effective contraceptive which will sterilize treated individuals for a lifetime with a single injection. .. minute enough to encapsulate the

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drug into ‘biobullets’ which can be remotely delivered. These developments suggest that the conclusions of your review ought to be considered very tentative.

Dr. Robert Warren judged:

We are no closer to having a proven, one-shot, permanent sterilant available for field application than we were back in 1992. . . practical, field- level, population-level, safety and budgetary limitations that exist at Olympic National Park...Given these concerns for safety, cost, and practicality, my opinion remains unchanged on the use of contraceptives in controlling mountain goat populations in ONP.

Dr. Dale McCullough anticipated mitigating factors that would offset the progress

in contraception: “It is virtually certain that the technology of contraception will advance

rapidly in the next decade. However, this is not the bottleneck. The intractable problem is

delivery under field conditions, and actually achieving the desired control.”’* Garrott also


The basic difficulty with the application of contraceptives. . . [is] the lack of a long-duration contraceptive agent or sterilant that can be delivered remotely and the extremely difficult logistics of administering any agent to a sizable fraction of the population.

Current contraceptive technology was judged an impractical way to implement large-scale

management because there is the difficult need to selectively capture and treat each

animal, and repeat the process for the female goats, and

...there currently are no remotely deliverable contraceptives or sterilants available that have been proven to provide long-term infertility or permanent sterility in mountain goats. Even if such contraceptive or sterilant agents were available, the panel believes treating mountain goats in the park with these agents would represent a very expensive, never-ending program that, at best, would only partially control the population.

One of McCullough’s main concerns was that despite the potential of contraception for

control, “...the critical question is the degree of control, and the feasibility of using

contraception to achieve ONP’s objective of reversing impacts on native plant species.

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Contraception is extremely slow and inefficient at reducing populations that are already

too abundant.” * He also touched upon the subject of potential suffering;

Projectile darts and biobullets, which usually have been thought of as benign, actually inflict wounds and trauma...It is true that most animals recover quickly with no lasting effects provided the projectile strikes a large muscle mass. Nevertheless, secondary infections are possible, and the projectile does inflict pain and suffering.*®^

The ideal sterilization method would be permanent, suitable for all age and sex

classes and deliverable by dart from a helicopter, but unfortunately this technique does not

currently exist. However, there are also problems with the use of such a technique for

this mountaineering population.The scientific panel agreed “...even [a ‘one-shot’

permanent sterilant]...will likely never eliminate mountain goats from ONP...” The panel

members also came to the agreement that current contraceptive or sterilant technologies

will not eliminate mountain goats from ONP within an acceptable time period that would

avoid possible adverse ecological impacts of this exotic herbivore to native plant

communities and rare plant species in the park.*®

Shooting is the Park Service’s first choice. However, among other considerations,

shooting the remaining population is going to have some of the same problems as other

methods, particularly inaccessibility and difficulty with accurately monitoring the

populations. According to the panel of scientists that looked at birth control as an option

for population management;

Lethal shooting may be a feasible option for the elimination or control of mountain goats in ONP. Destruction of individual animals with a firearm is an effective population control option. When carried out properly by a trained marksman, shooting from a helicopter, although not popular with the public, can be considered humane. Treatment obviously is permanent, costs are relatively low, effectiveness is high, and hazards to NPS personnel are minimized (because effective ranges are greater than for dart guns). Lethal shooting also can avoid several issues of concern, such as

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side effects to non-target animals, FDA approval, annual retreatment with contraceptives, and helicopter prop-wash interference with dart delivery.The single disadvantage to shooting is public reaction to the destruction of goats.

They also note, “Indeed, even with the use of lethal shooting, it will likely be very

expensive and difficult to totally eliminate mountain goats from ONP.” Furthermore,

shooting is controversial and disturbing to the public. The DEIS also fails to include the

impact of various removal methods on the goats, other than the effectiveness of the

technique in eliminating the goats. One risk I would apprehend is that of wounding goats

and causing suffering in that fashion.

So the choice is a difficult one and it brings to mind Laura Westra’s assertion that

“The ‘arrogance of humanism’ has taken us to this point: only if we abandon hubris and

the hope for the eternal ‘quick technological fix’ that we can begin to relearn respect for

nature.” There is no quick technological or even logical fix for this situation. The moral

complexity presented by this situation is discussed in greater depth in chapter six.

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Chapter 4

The Key Players in This Debate and Their Positions.

Agency coordination as clumsiness

In 1992, an Interagency Goat Management Team was established by a

Memorandum of Understanding in 1991, bringing Olympic National Park, Olympic

National Forest and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife together to develop

a peninsula-wide EIS addressing mountain goat management by all three agencies on the

Olympic Peninsula, encompassing the concerns and suggestions of all three agencies.

In 1993, the agencies agreed that the EIS should just cover the park, since consensus was

difficult due to differing levels of research knowledge and the different mandates and

policies of the various agencies.

The Washington Department of Wildlife and U.S. Forest Service share

responsibility for mountain goat decisions on the lands bordering the outside of the park.

The Forest Service traditionally tries to comply with state wildlife law. Under the Multiple

Use-Sustained Yield Act, they do have an implicit authority to manage wildlife as a

multiple use, but section 528 of MUS Y disclaims any intent to affect “the jurisdiction or

responsibilities of the several States with respect to wildlife and fish on the national

forests.” As a result, the WDFW is in charge of wildlife while the USFS is in charge of the


The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife was established in 1933, after

mountain goat introduction. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is in charge

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of the small population of goats (approximately 10% of the population) that spill over into

lands outside the park. The WDFW defines goats as legally native to the state and a

desirable game animal. The state agency is legally bound to protect the perpetuity of what

is considered a native population. The 1989 Washington Wildlife Commission Goals,

Policies and Objectives lists the mission statement as: “The Department of Wildlife shall

preserve, protect, and perpetuate Washington’s diverse wildlife, and wildlife habitats and

shall maximize the recreational and aesthetic benefits of wildlife for all citizens.”

Recreational opportunities include hunting and v i e w i n g . T h e management goals include,

“Maintain abundant populations of naturally reproducing game species for consumptive

use.”*^ According to policy, “Game animals...may be taken only at times or places, or in

manners and quantities as in the judgement of the commission maximizes public

recreational opportunities without impairing the supply of wildlife.” RCW 77.12.010

The Forest Service was established by the Organic Administration Act of 1897,

establishing the National Forest system “for the purpose of securing favorable conditions

of water flows, and to furnish a continuous supply of timber for the use and necessities of

the citizens of the United States.” The Multiple-Use Sustained Yield Act was passed in

1960 (16 U.S.C 528), which added management for outdoor recreation, wildlife, fish, and

range as additional national forest purposes. The National Forest Management Act in

1976 (36 CFR 219) aimed to “provide for multiple use and sustained yield of goods and

services” maximizing long-term public benefits in an environmentally sound manner.

Under the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 , the

regulations state “Fish and wildlife habitat shall be managed to maintain viable populations

of existing native and desired non-native vertebrate species in the planning area.”*

Regulations also state that “All management prescriptions shall...include measures for

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preventing the destruction of adverse modification of critical habitat for threatened and

endangered species.” The Olympic National Park 1990 Forest Plan states that “Forest

Service Policy requires that (State-listed sensitive plants) be managed to prevent the need

from placing them on the Federal List.” The goat habitat is also on designated wilderness

areas and 36 CFR Part 293 states that such areas “managed to promote, perpetuate and

where necessary, restore the wilderness character of the land...” Forest Service Region 6

policy asserts, “Wilderness is to be managed to prevent degradation. .. Additionally, we

must seek to improve conditions in situations where natural processes are not operating

freely.” ®” The final EIS produced in conjunction with the Regional Guide for the Pacific

Northwest Region (1984) states:

Priority management is provided for threatened and endangered species, sensitive species, and their habitats. Management actions include habitat protection, recovery programs, habitat perpetuation, and cooperative management with federal and state agencies, groups, and individuals.

The 1990 Land and Resource Management Plan for Olympic National Forest lists the

following as goals: “Manage wildlife habitat to maintain (at a minimum) viable populations

of all existing vertebrates. . .Provide for and maintain diversity of plant and animal

communities to meet overall multiple use objectives. . .Protect communities of native plant

species.” Also, “The protection of species and communities of native plants has emerged

as a key issue on the forest. Impacts to these plants from management activities and from

introduced plant and animal species is of primary concern.” These policies all suggest that

native, threatened and endangered plants are something the USFS needs to be concerned

with. However, the Forest Service Manual also sets to the policy to “Discourage measures

for direct control (other than normal harvest) of wildlife.”

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In 1993, the three agencies realized coordination may have been overly ambitious,

due to differences in mandates, policies and available information.^” The state wildlife

department wants to perpetuate the mountain goat population. They largely believe that

the problem of impacts on the Olympic environment can be managed with controlled

population levels. Jack Smith opines that the National Park Service’s conclusions are

fueled by the park’s bias. Generally the WDFW coordinates and works with the park. He

understands that both agencies base their conclusions and actions on where they’re

coming from.^” Shortly after the release of the DEIS proposing to eradicate the park

population, WDFW announced the decision to limit hunting permits in March 1995,.

seemingly to help perpetuate of the remaining population on their lands. The department is

recommending that 15, rather than last year’s 35, hunting permits be issued, in response to

the reduction of the mountain goat population over the past decade and the distinct

possibility that the park will shoot the goats in the summer of 1996.^”'*

The U S F S realized that in comparison with NFS’s twenty years of research, they

have little data on the bordering forest lands. They were not willing to go with

assumptions based on park data, despite the fact that the situations were potentially

similar. Furthermore, U S F S . staff in the area is spread very thinly, as is their funding.

Sustained funding for this kind of research doesn’t look to be a pending priority. As

indicated the agency is legally bound to ensure viable populations of plants and animals.

Further, it is mandated to protect and maintain threatened, endangered or sensitive species

as well as populations o f desired non-native species. So it is responsible to sustain viable

populations of species on forest lands, including plants potentially at risk with the

continued presence of the goats. The Native Plant Society, a plant protection organization,

is watching this situation c los e l y .D o u g Houston’s impression is that the Forest Service,

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for various reasons, would prefer non-involvement.^®^ Accordingly, the National Park

Service decided to confine the scope of the EIS to the park.

Fund For Animals

One of the products of the 1987 Environmental Assessment was the formation of a

technical advisory committee, a committee to be made up of involved agencies and major

interest groups to monitor the goat management program and make recommendations.^*

The NFS formed the committee to help smoothe the vigorous controversy. The Fund For

Animals was asked to participate as a member. The FF A is an animal protection group

that has steadfastly fought the National Park Service’s decision to remove the goats,

particularly with bullets. In 1992, the committee made up of the various agencies and

interest groups was disbanded as a potential violation o f federal regulations.^® This

“conciliatory” committee was a violation of the Federal Advisory Committee Act and this

gaife may ironically provide the basis of Fund for Animals’ with a basis for a potential

lawsuit. Fund For Animals claims that the park failed to provide the committee with

complete information and also did not charter the committee using the legal process

mandated by FACA.^^® FF A deems any EIS illegal that uses the work of these advisory

committees appointed by the park. The EIS, FF A feels, needs to be shaped by more

independent scientists and public participation than the park has allowed.^"

Over the years, FF A has questioned the application of NPS exotic management

policy to the mountain goats. Recently they stated that “It is the position of the Fund that

officials of Olympic National Park have not substantiated their claims that (1) the goat is

an exotic species or that (2) the goat’s impact on park flora warrants the radical solution

they propose: total eradication.” ’ Fund For Animals, since 1991, has sown doubt about

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the park’s claim that the goats are non-native. Their disbelief is fueled by a few historical

documents that refer to goat sightings, including one in an 1896 National Geographic, and

a 1917 account of excavated remains containing items made out of goat horn and wool.

Furthermore, in 1988 Dr. Lee Lyman constructed a hypothetical dispersal model that

allowed for the possibility of goats living on the peninsula since prehistoric times.

The Fund For Animals also thinks park evidence for plant damage is insufficient

grounds for goat elimination?^'* They emphasize that the NFS exotic policy calls for

“Management of populations of exotic plant and animal species, up to and including

eradication, will be undertaken whenever such species threaten park resources or public

health and when control is prudent and feasible.” * They suggest that “up to” does not

require the final goal to be eradication. They feel that the park has had a predisposition to

shoot the goats and speculate that contraception has not been adequately explored as a

population controlling device. What they would like to see happen, according to a radio

interview last year, is the use of an open and fair process with independent panels of

scientists looking at the evidence and drawing conclusions, including a look at the

evidence on contraception and the status of the plants. They feel the current decision was

made through a process polluted by the park spoonfeeding the evidence to reach

predestined conclusions. Further, they see the only reasonable plan as monitoring the small

remaining population of goats, particularly since they may not rebound.^*^

An interesting aspect of Fund For Animals’ approach to this controversy is that

they have used the park’s jargon and value system as a framework for their arguments,

though judging from some earlier statements that they have made, their underlying

concern has been the welfare of the goats and preventing the injustice of lethal removal.

Roger Anunsen, the head of FF A’s campaign to prevent the killing of the goats explained

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that FF A does not support the senseless killing for the joy of it and believes that when the

animals are removed they should be moved into a situation of similar protection, not

another hunting area. When asked his feelings on dealing with a choice between an animal

and a threatened plant species, he merely explained that he didn’t see this as an either/or

dilemma, so he chose not to respond directly. He instead explained that FF A had been a

plaintiff in a lawsuit involving a group of environmental organizations suing the

Department of Interior and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the indefensibly slow federal

listing process. An out of court settlement in December 1992 resulted in the consideration

of 400 plants and animals as threatened or endangered by fall of 1996. Anunsen used this

as an illustration of Fund for Animals’ acknowledgement that plants also have a place in

the ecosystem. He didn’t mention that one of the plants to soon be considered, as a result

of this legal action is the Astragalus australis var olympiens— Olympic milkvetch^^*

Cathy Sue Anunsen believes park officials should be more committed to a non-

lethal answer to the goat question. "Killing as a means of conflict resolution has no place

in a compassionate culture," she explained. "When human kill humans, that behavior is

called pathological. When park rangers try to wipe out an entire species, that's called

wildlife m a n a g e m e n t . I n the late 1980’s Fund For Animals chose to join forces with

bow and arrow trophy hunters in urging the park to transplant the goats to other

mountains in the Northwest, while the Fund for Animals particularly encouraged the

search for a contraceptive solution. Cathy Sue Anunsen declared that ‘“man had created

the situation by bringing the goats in, and I didn’t think that goats should have to pay with

their lives for man’s stupidity.

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Park and Plant Protection Groups

There are a number of individuals and environmental organizations that look at this

controversy in a different light. Victor Scheffer, a wildlife biologist and retired state

employee, addresses Fund For Animals’ concerns and supports the park’s decision in

“Reply to the Anunsens.” He asserts that the published allusions to the goats before the

20’s introduction are “bare statements without elaboration” and that while no listed plants

are in jeopardy, Scheffer expresses concerns over the “changes in floral composition.” He

acknowledges Lyman’s dispersal hypothesis, suggesting the potential presence of

prehistoric goats, is not impossible but not entirely probable. To the contraception

concerns, he acknowledges that Kirkpatrick, one of the contraceptive panel scientists, did

extol the possibilities of the 3 year booster contraception shot for nannies, but that the five

member panel investigating contraception did conclude that the use of current sterilants

would “represent a very expensive, never-ending program that, at best, would only

partially control the population...[For goat elimination] lethal shooting appears to be the

only feasible option

Other involved organizations include The Mountaineers, Olympic Park Asscociates

and the Washington Native Plant Society, conservation organizations who assert that “...a

timely and complete elimination of non-native goats from the Olympic Peninsula is the

only feasible solution to this problem” since:

...based on extensive research findings from park service biologists, and the simple fact that mountain goats are not a threatened species in Washington state—while the alpine plant communities of the Olympic Mountains are irreplaceable. To further sacrifice this area’s ecological integrity in order to supply goats for trophy hunters on national forest lands is unthinkable, but that would be the end result of lobbying efforts by a vocal constituency of sport-hunters and animal rights advocates.^^^

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The Olympic Park Associates supports shooting as “...the most effective and economical

means of removing goats” and believe that;

non-native mountain goats should be removed from public lands on all jurisdictions of the Olympic Peninsula: National Park Service, National Forest Service and Washington Department of Natural Resources, by the most expedient and cost-effective means available, including aerial shooting.

The Washington Native Plant Society, an organization of botanists actively

interested in the preservation of native flora, asserts that “complete and timely elimination

of mountain goats on the entire peninsula should be the goal.”^"* and that “. . .it is essential

that populations on adjacent lands be eliminated as well.”^ They consider the WDW’s

retention of the goats for a hunting experience is ecologically irresponsible, particularly

when goat hunting is available in other parts of the state. While admitting that “ . . .it is

extremely unfortunate that these noble animals will have to suffer for the foolish actions of

the men who introduced them to the Olympics, such a course of action is both correct and

essential.” They consider shooting to be the most cost-effective, efficient and humane

method for goat removal. They explain that the extreme trauma, high mortality and

uncertainties involved with live capture, as well as the relative ineffectiveness, deem

shooting as the best choice. Mark Sheehan, manager of the Washington Natural

Heritage Program, an agency of the state Department of Natural Resources, was quoted

as saying:

Goats are white, wooly, have big brown eyes, and are tremendously appealing. I’m not anti-goat, but the impact of these introduced animals is so dramatic I simply can’t justify their presence. Olympic National Park’s rare alpine plants are relics from the Ice Age that have survived several episodes of glaciation. It would be a shame to have them perish due to the impact of this exotic species.

The National Park Service has been faced with juggling the involvement of all of

the above parties and other agents of similar divergent views. And typically being in the

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Station of being one of the few government agencies people actually like, they find the

position all the more difficult. “This is a contradiction. We’re a white-hat agency doing

good for animals,” said park biologist Bruce Moorhead. “But you have to consider what’s

best for the whole ecosystem, and that means the goats go.”^ *

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Chapter 5

Problems With the Act of Defining a Non-indigenous species. Where Clarity is

Needed. Where to Draw the Lines in the Sand.

“. . .the process of nature preservation. ..creates a situation where biological invasion is

inevitable. . . and also is defined in terms of preservation time and preservation space.

“Workable definitions are hard to come by, and they get harder the better we appreciate

the complexity of the resource we are responsible for .”^ ”

“The metaphors that guide natural resource management are shifting—from the self-

sustaining wilderness to the managed garden ...The world is being defined more in terms of

the ‘unnatural’ rather than the ‘natural.’...part of a general trend toward a more managed

globe...To some, this shift represents a grave loss. To others it represents greater

willingness to undertake responsible action. Issues regarding indigenous and non-

indigenous species underscore these different points of view.”^ *

In the Olympic National Park visitor center, there is a drawing of an angry, young

goat glowering over the edge of a cliff. “Aliens in the Olympics!” whistle-blows the

headline, and the tale follows of the goats introduced for recreation, now seen as

“unwelcome” alpine lawnmowers. Meet the Olympic National Park mountain goats, part

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of a string of introduced species whose removal becomes a political brouhaha before you

can say “ecosystem management.”

Defining what is non-indigenous and then deciding exactly what term to use for

reference has become a knotty issue. Alien, exotic, adventive, immigrant, introduced, non­

native, non-indigenous, transplant, naturalized, or neophyte are some of the many terms

that have been used to pin down the squirming concept, making it less impressive that the

Eskimoes have several words for snow. The arguments often whirl around semantics,

distinctions and political boundaries. What occasionally gets lost is the ultimate reasoning

behind the definition. The NFS claims to strive after ecological integrity,which Westra

describes as “...the idea of wholeness and of unbroken functioning...Ecosystem integrity is

historical, not something static.. .Integrity in ecosystems includes the capacity to

evolve.”^ For other agencies, like the Washington Department of Wildlife, the objective

appears to be a definition that is politically compatible with their mandate to provide


The National Park Service is careful about diction. In the Natural Resources

Management manual, the first section under “Exotic Species Management” reads:

Exotic, non-native, introduced, and alien are synonomous terms. The term exotic is used here because it is used in the professional literature and in NPS Management Policies. However, ‘alien,’ ‘non-native,’ or ‘introduced species’ might be better terms to use with public/nonprofessional audiences, as ‘exotic’ has a different connotation for most such people,

Sensitive to public impression, NPS first addresses the image issue and then the the

definition, which is the trickier part.

Defining an exotic is the act of making a decision about what should be considered

natural or at least what should be considered natural for an intended purpose or

perspective. One of the common glitches in ecosystem management lies in inter-agency

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differences. Each land management entity manages parcels of limited size with permeable

borders. The definitions of bordering agencies limit independent agency management. It’s

difficult to cooperate when there is not only a proliferation of names for non-natives, but

also a proliferation of definitions among decision-makers. Yet the different definitions are

a symptom of a larger issue: different fundamental goals. The National Park Service is in

the business of preservation and perpetuation, as discussed in chapter two. The Forest

Service is guided by the 1897 Organic Administration Act, the 1960 Multiple-Use

Sustained Yield Act, and the 1976 National Forest Management Act, which supports

Forest Service timber extraction combined with multiple-use objectives. The Washington

Department of Wildlife is set up to provide recreation partly interpreted as hunting

opportunities. Doug Houston asserts “ definitions will not be sufficient to fially

resolve alien species conflicts in national parks. Parks are surrounded by lands managed by

other agencies with dissimilar objectives and policies—where native and exotic species are

defined on different spatial and temporal scales. He further says that there are

“troublesome areas remaining which involve spatial and temporal scales where policy

seems to collide with biogeography.

Spatial and temporal scales are the dominant factors in the conflict between the

agencies influencing the Olympic mountain goat population. Of the three agencies, the

National Park Service is most focused on the commodity of preservation, and so has the

strictest definition of an exotic and further defines “pests” which are any species, native or

exotic, which interfere with park purposes. The National Park Service defines exotic

species as “...those that occur in a given place as a result of direct or indirect, deliberate or

accidental actions by humans (not including deliberate réintroductions.)” A dispersal

caused by humans qualifies a species for elimination or at least control. NPS gives as

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examples the construction of a fish ladder allowing species to cross a natural barrier to

their dispersal. Also, an exotic could be introduced through the droppings of an animal

that fed on an exotic outside the park. The National Park Service additionally has a pest

policy, which also has potential relevance to the goats:

Pests are plant or animal populations that interfere with the purposes of the park. Strategies for managing pest populations will be influenced by whether the pest is an exotic or native species.. .Native species will be allowed to function unimipeded except where control is desirable to conserve threatened, endangered, or unique plant specimens or communities.. Exotic plant and animal pests will be controlled according to provisions of the exotic species policy, stated above.

Within the wording of the definition of an exotic, there is room for interpretation, making

its application more flexible which can have practical value. However, while it can be

practical, it can allow too much latitude for interpretation and thus debate.

For the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, human introduction isn’t as

important as the state residency of the species. Tom Juelson explained that the department

is not legally able to differentiate between populations within the state. They are bound to

look at populations which are native to the state as native species, or in their terms, as

wildlife. Wildlife “means all species of the animal kingdom whose members exist in

Washington in a wild s t a t e . A s long as a species is from within the political confines of

Washington state, it’s home. They restrict their designation of non-native species to

“deleterious exotic wildlife,” “species of the animal kingdom not native to Washington and

designated as dangerous to the environment or wildlife of the state.” More recently, they

have established the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife 1988 Policy on Release

of Exotic Wildlife into the Wild (POL-4001) which “applies whenever any animal species,

subspecies, or hybrid is being considered for release for the first time into wild natural

habitat in Washington outside of the original native range of that animal species or

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hybrid.” Since goats were introduced before the establishment of this policy, this policy

does not apply to their situation. This policy defines native wildlife as “Wildlife which

occupied habitat within Washington at the time of European exploration.” Exotic wildlife

is then defined as “Wildlife which either occupies, or could occupy through human

introduction, habitat within Washington outside the natural historic range for that animal

species, subspecies, or hybrid. Strangely, mountain goats, according to these policy

definitions, would now qualify as both native and exotic.

The U S D A Forest Service has an even more tolerant definition Non-indigenous

species are those “Species not originally occurring in the United States and introduced

from a foreign country. Exotic species that have become naturalized such as the ring­

necked pheasant are considered the same as native species.” Native species are “animal

and plant species originally occurring in the United States.” Indigenous species are

“species which originally inhabited a particular National Forest or National Grassland.

So mountain goats are native, but not indigenous to the Olympic National Forest. The

definition of exotic, dilute to the point of relative meaninglessness, indicates that they too

will probably not share NPS priorities. As is evident in the various agency definitions, the

area where an agency should draw a line runs the spectrum from ecological to national

identity. Even within the NPS more “ecologically sound” definition there is going to be

potential spatial blurriness. Johnson touches upon the spatial confusion of “Determining

whether a colonization of species native to the outside of a region is a natural range

extension or alien intrusion is difficult—native flora and fauna seen as static with future

colonization or extirpations as a deviation from the natural.” '"

All of the above policies also suffer from temporal fuzziness. “Biologists have

criticized the exotic species concept because of its ambiguity. Classifying a species as

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native or exotic is arguably invalid because all plants and animals were introduced at some

point in time, whether by man or by some other force of n a t u r e . T h i s has caused

particular problems for the National Park Service. The general geography is delineated,

but the question “as of when?” still remains. Are all human introductions, past and present,

unacceptable? Or is there an arrival date after which species no longer qualify as natural?

The absence of clarity is reflected in the number of theories as on when the clock starts

ticking. The Leopold Report is often used to guide NPS interpretation. The report points

to the time of European contact as the birthday of non-native species which alter the

“primitive vignette.” The WDW in their 1988 policy also refer to European contact as the

deadline for native status, and the USES also considers this a guideline for interpretation.

Yet, this is a questionable touchstone, as Darryll Johnson points out that the;

. . .creation of a static “vignette of primitive America”, . .is an inappropriate concept for non-equilibrium conditioned systems. The four centuries preceding the voyage of Columbus had unusually warm weather that has not since reoccurred. Vegetation, wildlife and disturbance processes were different then. To recreate the scene of 1870 is also inappropriate for similar reasons. Leopold and other committee members regretted language choice, but the issue hasn’t been resolved, "*^

James Luko further criticizes: “Even though there is evidence to indicate much human

influence prior to human settlement(cited Williams 1989), [some] North American

ecologists remain attached to the myth of presettlement native vegetation in a state of

benign equilibrium.” ' '

The NPS policy distinguishes between European introductions and the

introductions of earlier native residents. However qualifications blur any possible

“native/exotic” distinction. The policy explains:

Many preserve managers define exotic species in the United States as those introduced by Europeans. This definition differs from the NPS definition in that it includes as native the few species introduced by indigenous

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peoples . NPS Management Policies does not specifically address specialcategories of exotics such as taxa introduced by indigenous peoples.

Under “Management of Special Categories of Exotics in Cultural Landscapes” the policy

elaborates; “Plant or animal species introduced by indigenous peoples may be preserved

and protected where they were introduced to the site prior to European settlement, and

were culturally significant, and where their presence does not have any demonstrated

impact on native species, So, such introductions are acceptable insofar as they do not

harm native species, making it clear that they are not considered native species. This turns

the clock back even fiarther, to the chagrin of those who consider the interaction of native

peoples with their environment as legitimately natural. And this also leaves thousands of

years open to question and speculation.

Mountain goats were clearly introduced in the 1920’s. But the temporal vagueness

of the NPS policy causes some to scrutinize the historical record, in case mountain goats

existed before the introduction, and could possibly earn native status. Speculation has

often fueled discussions about the possibility of a species being native or native “enough.”

Arguments are made for species which have been present for a substantial period of time

or whose pre-existence is suggested by scant historical or archaeological evidence. Lee

Lyman, an anthropologist, presented a speculative dispersal model that suggests mountain

goats may have been present on the Olympic Peninsula 10,000 years ago and were

potentially still present 200 to 2,000 years ago. Lyman thinks the lowlands of the Puget

Sound could have served as a biogeographic filter rather than a barrier. He believes the

current goats were introduced, but isn’t completely convinced that the species is new to

the peninsula. His work has added another layer of speculation that has been used to

support the argument that the mountain goats are native. In an internal memo, a park

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botanist responds, “Even if mountain goats were present in Olympic (which I strongly

doubt) and became extinct ca. 200 years ago, this makes no difference to our current

views and management policies. We would be concerned only if modern man [sic] had a

hand in the extinction.” ' The Fund For Animals has long been suspicious of the National

Park Service’s confident assertion that the goats are indisputably not native. This doubt

was bolstered by the fact that in 1987, a park Environmental Assessment stated, “There is

no evidence to suggest that they [the goats] ever inhabited the Olympic Peninsula.”

Shortly thereafter, FFA discovered a park biologist’s chronology of early mountain goat

reports which included two articles which made reference to mountain goats, including an

1897 National Geographic Magazine article which mention the sighting of one goat on the

peninsula. **® The Fund also refers to an article by Albert B. Reagan in a 1917 Journal of

the California Academv of Sciences which reported mountain goat remains in a coastal

dig, including Native American relics like ladels made of goat horn and blankets of goat

wool. The park service responded to this with a closer investigation and discovered that

an extensive trade network brought goat wool and goat horns, materials prized for their

utility, to the Olympic Peninsula. Nevertheless, the NPS admits that the lack of sufficient

evidence of goat presence should not be considered conclusive. The current archeofaunal

record predominantly covers the past 1,000 years and most of the studied sites were in

coastal, not mountainous areas. Furthermore, mammalian shifts tended to occur during the

late Quaternary. As Schalk further comments, negative evidence isn’t evidence for goat

absence or presence. Schultz, the Olympic National Park historian did a historical review

of Olympic Peninsula travel accounts from 1790 to the time of goat introduction. She too

was challenged to analyze negative evidence and deal with the confusion resulting from

the use of common names applied to wildlife in the 19th century. She concluded from her

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interpretation of the literature survey that the goats weren’t present. Not everyone feels

that tenancy for hundreds or thousands of years legitimizes an animal as a member of the

ecosystem. Photographer Keith Gunnar thinks the goats have evidently co-existed with

Olympic vegetation for 70 years and everything seems fine for it And in an editorial letter,

J. Marvin Chastain more bluntly says, “They (the NPS) seem to have some obsession that

they are going to transform the Park into what is {sic} was before Columbus. Somebody

needs to tell them that is neither possible nor desireable {sic}.”^ ° So far, these types of

queries have largely been left to agency discretion, but without a clearly articulated

temporal definition, debates surrounding the legitimacy of damning an animal as exotic

despite its potential pre-existence will continue.

In fact, some land managers have avoided this type of conflict not through clearer

definition , but where “...species that were historically absent from an area but are now

present and are successfully reproducing and maintaining viable populations are

‘naturalized.’” There are obvious problems with this as Schullery scoffs that the

naturalization concept:

...allow[s] some administrators to trim the yardstick; to run a four-minute mile by shortening the mile. It would allow them to relax and admit defeat when defeat is not one of their alternatives. It would allow them to stop worrying about some particularly annoying exotic. It would short-circuit the park service’s institutional conscience. Once that had been done, and once a few weak people in the right positions had tasted the sweet relief of a problem deftly ignored, it would be hard to stop further encroachments on the remaining principles the parks live by.^^^

Doug Houston understands some agencies’ motives to naturalize. He notes that WDFW is

often managing intensely altered land, where the environment is changed with agriculture.

In some cases, they don’t even have examples of native plant communities. Under these

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circ*mstances, Houston sees where they are coming from. Naturalizing makes more sense

where the habitats are completely altered and have long-established species.

These temporal arguments are not new. There have been similar debates over the

legal residency of a species. The National Park Service wanted to remove burros in Grand

Canyon, motivated by reasons similar to Olympic National Park’s. The burros were

introduced to the area by humans, and left behind, becoming feral after the 1870’s. They

“altered native plant communities and possibly competed with native wi l d l i f e . Ma n y

paleontologists considered the burros to be “ecological equivalents of late Pleistocene

equids.” ** This same animal became extinct about 12,000 years before Grand Canyon was

established as a national park, possibly driven extinct due to early humans.^^ The National

Park Service disagreed with this being a bargaining chip in achieving native status for the

burros, as the relationship between the feral burros and the ancestral burros was “only at

the subgeneric level and the “late Pleistocene environments no longer occurred in the

Grand Canyon.” ” The burros were removed, using live capture and removal and those

remaining were to be shot. Fund For Animals protested and funded a capture and adoption

program for the remaining population. In Big Bend National Park, a group proposed

introduction of the bolson tortoise, an endangered species. A similar or closely related

species lived in the region till the late Pleistocene, early Holocene times. However, the

tortoise had not been present for thousands of years. Also, the tortoise “has undergone a

reduction in body size and a contraction of geographic range since the late Pleistocene.”

The National Park Service decided the tortoise was alien.

In the 1950s and 60s, mountain goats were introduced for Montana and Wyoming

hunters at several sites in National Forests surrounding Yellowstone and Grand Teton

National Parks by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game and the Montana Department

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of Fish, Wildlife and Parks. These mountain goats released into the periphery of the

Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, where they had not occurred historically, were first

sighted adjacent to Grand Teton National Park in the late 70s and since that time there

have been occasional reports of mostly single goats. In 1984 some were observed in the

north of the park indicating that they had traveled through the park. Mostly billy goats

were sighted. Eventually, these goats could be a problem in Grand Teton, but there is no

evidence of residency or colonization yet.^^ They are considered a prehistoric species

(greater than 10,000 years B P ) but evidence indicates that they were absent upon

European arrival.

However, mountain goats have established a population in the northeast comer of

Yellowstone park where there are small groups reproducing. Based on what has happened

in Olympic National Park, researcher John Laundre forecasts:

. the immigration introduction of goats into Yellowstone and Grand Teton could threaten native alpine habitat and certain wildlife species such as bighorn sheep. The presence of mountain goats in the Parks could also violate Park System mandates to preserve original faunal and floral communities...[and] could eventually colonize...[A] management plan needs to be formulated to avoid crisis management after goats become established.

These are projections. For now, Laundre said that “Based on existing literature, little

impact of goats on vegetation and the physical environment is anticipated in either park.

The main wildlife species that goats may impact would be bighorn sheep.”^* Low goat

populations in Yellowstone aren’t anticipated to negatively impact sheep, but even a low

population could impact the sheep in Grand Teton because of constricted sheep winter


According to Sue Consolo-Murphy, the local fish and game department is no

longer transplanting mountain goats outside of Yellowstone. The park has tried through

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planning and research to anticipate the issue. There have been an increased number of

sightings. As usual, money is a problem. There are many resource management tasks to

accomplish, but this analysis is not on the top of the pile. If the situation did start growing

into an ecological or political crisis, priority would be established, particularly after seeing

what happened at Olympic.

Mountain goats haven’t been in the Yellowstone area for 10,000 years and rangers

intend to shoot goats infiltrating from the north, east or south. But to further complicate

matters, there is some suspicion that some of the mountain goats coming into Yellowstone

are part of a natural migration. However, there is a potential “natural” migration along the

Continental Divide from the west which will be allowed to enter and remain in the park, a

situation Fund For Animals has labeled as “r i d i cu l ous . Th i s is the beginning of another

exotic puzzle involving time and space as discussed in the previous chapter. Consolo-

Murphy admits there are rumors of a pre-existing population, but she doesn’t necessarily

agree with them. There is no observable evidence, and it is not theoretically implausible.

There’s no evidence that it is occurring now. The mountain goats currently coming in are

still considered non-native. There is nevertheless some brewing uncertainty as to the origin

of mountain goats sighted in the northwest corner...” At this point, they’re assumed to be

from core populations introduced to the northwest, but “ is possible goats may be

immigrating into the Park from existing native populations to the west along the Montana-

Idaho border.”

In Grand Teton National Park, there have been mixed signs of inter-agency

cooperation. Currently, there isn’t an anticipated problem because the Idaho Fish and

Game department put hunting pressure on the mountain goats to keep the population

down. However, at one time, the local game and fish department outside the Tetons

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claimed that they would start managing a newly established colony of mountain goats as

an acceptable game herd, causing some concern for the park staff. If the goats showed

signs of establishment in the park, rangers would probably shoot them, echoing the turf

war between the Washington Department of Wildlife and Olympic National Park. Cain

doesn’t anticipate state agencies to change their approach in greater accordance with

bordering National Park lands management in the near future.

The Olympic mountain goats released more recently have caused similar problems.

R.G. Wright claims that some of the goats taken from Olympic to Idaho and placed in the

southeastern part of the state have also been seen in Grand Teton National Park.^^ In

1988, eighty Olympic National Park mountain goats were live captured. Forty-three of

them were taken on a road trip to Utah, where mountain goats are also not native and had

never been previously introduced. One of the areas in which they were released is close to

Wasatch Cache National Forest, an area of high plant endemism.^ ' From the Wasatch

Range, they began to migrate into a national m onum ent.C raw ford explained that NPS

wasn’t anticipating these kinds of consequences.

In 1992, the Inter-agency Goat Management Team agreed not to relocate the

goats to areas where goats were not native. Doug Houston explained in an article,

“. . .Recently, the NPS and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife signed an

agreement that will permit translocation of the Olympic goats only to habitats where they

occurred historically, or to zoos and approved research institutions.”^ But it turns out

that the agreement was made after the live captures ceased. Houston also asserted that he

cannot find the agreement in writing and believes it to be a verbal agreement.^^^

Furthermore, Jack Smith of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife differed with

the term “agreement” and described it instead as the National Park Service telling the

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WDFW what they were planning on doing. WDFW said that the proposal was fine, but it

wasn’t part of their policy or intention. Another potential problem is that the importing

state departments of wildlife would determine whether or not the mountain goats were

native. These agencies, as illustrated by Washington Department of Wildlife, can be more

flexible than the National Park Service in how “native” a game species needs to be. So

with this kind of practice, live capture is not only relocating the goats to areas where they

will be hunted, gutting the “live” part of the capture, but it is potentially moving a problem

elsewhere to another place and time instead of solving the fundamental problem. In the

Draft EIS, one of the three alternatives is to eliminate goats by a combination of live-

capture and shooting, and the text reads;

WDFW would be responsible for distribution of captured animals. Goats would be transferred to state wildlife agencies for release at sites where the introduction has been approved by appropriate state and federal authorities. Environmental impact statements would likely be required for introductions in non-native ranges. A live-capture program would not be initiated unless availability of agencies to receive translocated goats is assured

There is no mention of the earlier agreement, nor evident determination to prevent related

problems in the future.

When the various groups determining the fate of the mountain goats come to the

bargaining table, each is approaching the situation with a language and culture^™ diffèrent

from the other agencies, making common ground a little lumpy. This all largely stems from

the more fundamental differences in mandates. Barker asserts that “when dealing with

introduced species it is important not to confuse political borders (ecologically

meaningless) with physical and climatic barriers (eg. oceans, deserts, which hinder

di sper sa l ) .But with our current management structure, political barriers and turf wars

continue to abound.

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Lack of ecological unity in management decisions of various public land agencies

is going to perpetuate this kind of problem. In Olympic and Grand Teton National Park,

the wildlife departments are evidently intent upon perpetuating the hunting reservoir. How

do we make our borders more consistent, cooperative and less combative and

counterproductive? According to Ed Schreiner, NPS and Congress need to clarify natural

area management and achieve more consistency in the application of policy. Schreiner,

working for the National Biological Survey, isn’t certain that natural area management is

well understood by the National Park Service. As a result, biological decisions are more

likely to be made under political pressure. To really achieve ecosystem management we

need to deal with human activities on both sides of the borders.

A clearer policy is needed for NPS, according to Doug Houston, frustrated enough

by the battles he’s witnessed to suggest that improvement in National Park Service policy

needs to take place. Bolder lines need to be drawn in space and time. Without a clearer

delineation of where the park service’s line is drawn, nebulous discussions will be free to

flourish making the resolution of whether or not a species should be considered an exotic

all the more tangled with conflicting ideas. Furthermore, it is this kind of slippage that will

also continue to foster inconsistent applications of a policy that should be designed for

sound ecological management, not flexible political convenience, causing the kind of

inconsistent management from park to park and resource manager to resource manager

that shakes public confidence. And fundamentally, it is an ecological debate under

discussion. All these debates and discussions over terms, definitions and interpretations

begin to seem arbitrary—a game where everyone is playing by different rules and with a

different objective. But ultimately what we should be striving after is a more ecological

form of management and making decisions in accord with that objective.

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This is a particularly relevant time to start examining what our goals are. The

ecological disruption projected from climate change will include the likelihood of NIS

invasions as:

...the changing environment may soon render the concept [of non-native] invalid. Major changes in the global climate due to the greenhouse effect may significantly change our parks and preserves. The global warming within the next fifty years will most likely change the ranges of ma^y species of plants and animals, as coastal species are forced to migrate inland.^"^

This would throw an extra wrench into the act of defining what is and isn’t indigenous,

and will present a new set of decisions over whether movements in response to climate

change should be treated as natural or actively managed, making the struggle of current

policy-making look easy.^’ Because definitions are typically historically based on when a

species leaves its natural range at some particular point in time, temporal difficulties would

flourish. There would have to be regular reassessments for the definition to remain

meaningful. Some means of distinguishing between phenomena involving lesser and

greater human intervention will be increasingly difficult.^’'* Luken suggests that in regards

to plants, terms should be defined on a temporal scale based on an agreed upon fixed

reference point in time. Movement of a plant population would be studied and described

as desirable or undesirable, focusing on the process and not so much the species. In the

meantime, he suggests:

...that we cease using all terms related to historical distribution of plant species... simply because there is no universal standard for time or scale associated with these terms...some might argue for a distinction between plants that were present prior to European colonization and plants that were introduced thereafter, such a distinction has rather limited geographic utility ...If terms must be applied to plant species to convey information about historical distribution, it would be best to provide information on the most recent trends in distribution at the scale of the continent. Thus plant species could be described as having expanding, stable, contracting distributions relative to a universally agreed upon reference point in time.^^^

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As Alston Chase argues;

Concern should be directed not at exotics, but at any invasive plant or animal that threatens to destroy its own habitat or that of other creatures.Likewise, whether the goats of Olympic are ‘native’ or ‘exotic’ is biologically irrelevant. The decision to control them should depend only on whether they are damaging their range.

Though the Park Service does pick and choose exotic and pest control programs based on

both the species’ impact and the feasibility of removal, Chase reminds us that these

debates run the risk of sinking into specious semantics debates when the bottom line of the

exotic concept should be our attempt to understand and restore ecological integrity.

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Chapter 6:

Closer examination of the value systems at play in this controversy,

showing how environmental issues are ethical. Our responsibility to

species we’re protecting and species we’re mixing in.

“.. .the destruction of any species raises moral questions; human beings assume that they

have the moral right to eradicate any nonhuman species.”^ ^

“Remote from universal nature, and living by complicated artifice, man in civilization

surveys the creature through the glass of his knowledge and sees thereby a feather

magnified and the whole image in distortion. We patronize them for their incompleteness,

for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves. And therein we err. For

the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours

they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or

never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren, they are not

underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow

prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth.”^®

“The goat issue divides the environmental community between those who favor rare plants

that survived the ice ages on storm-scoured ridges above the great ice sheet, and those to

whom the sure-footed handsome mountain goats are living, feeling beings not deserving of

a death sentence.

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The mountain goat issue is a classic wildlife management conflict, intensified by

the potentially irréconciliable differences in the various value systems. For the past several

years, the most tenacious opponents to the park’s plans have been advocates of animal

protection and rights. The animal rights movement is an effort to combat cruelty to

individual animals. Most animal rightists see no morally relevant difference between

humans and animals and thus believe that they should share basic legal rights,^*” “equal or

similar to those of humans.” As a result, they reject the idea of speciesism, where one

“. . .allows the interests of her or his own species to override the greater interests of

members of other sp e c i e s . An i ma l welfare movements gained momentum from the

‘liberation’ and ‘ecology’ movements of the 1960s .Movement s for the protection and

concerns of animals have been and will continue to grow for understandable reasons.

Animals elicit empathy more readily than plants because animals remind us of us, and as

sentient beings, obviously suffer. Environmental law is somewhat shaped by this affinity.

An environmental law article explains, “...the degree of protection that Congress and the

public gives to a particular species depends upon why the public values that species. There

are a number of laws that favor the protection of species higher on the phylogenetic scale

of evolution.” *'* Plants, on the other hand, don’t as commonly elicit such visceral

reactions as charismatic megafauna. People tend to be less responsive to the visual effect

of plants unfurling new leaves, spraying a fine dust of new seeds, and shimmering under

the gentle weight of raindrops than a nanny goat nuzzling her kid. As Laura Westra

explains, “ is far easier to tolerate the birth, growth, decay and death of grasses, trees

and insects than of sentient creatures, who are perhaps too much ‘like us’ for comfort, and

it is even harder to see ourselves as an integral part of this cycle.

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According to Tom Regan, the basis for understanding the rights of animals comes

from understanding that each of us is an “. . .experiencing subject of a life, a conscious

creature having an individual welfare that has importance to us whatever our usefulness to

others.” Regan explains that the “... same is true of those animals that concern us.. they

too must be viewed as the experiencing subjects of a life, with inherent value of their

own.” * For Peter Singer, the important bottom line is the capacity of a being to suffer,

and that capacity must be taken into consideration; “No matter what the nature of the

being, the principle of equality requires that its suffering be counted equally with the like

suffering—insofar as rough comparisons can be made—of any other being.” ®

The primary organization promoting the consideration of animal rights in the

mountain goat issue has been Fund For Animals. Unfortunately, I found them a little

reluctant to discuss their animal rights perspective, as during our conversation they were

mainly interested in promoting the debate over the goat’s exotic status and vegetative

impact. In an article however, Cathy Sue Anunsen of Fund For Animals explained that

during the live capture operations of the late 80’s, she supported capture over shooting,

despite the stresses and risks of live capture. She made the decision by putting herself in

the place of the goat and evaluating how she would feel were she posed with the various

options. ®® Regan explains part of the reasoning behind promoting the survival of

individual animals:

. . .an untimely death is a deprivation of a quite fundamental and irreversible kind. It is irreversible because once dead, always dead. It is fundamental because death forecloses all possibilities of finding satisfaction. Once dead, the individual who had preferences, who could find satisfaction in this or that, who could exercise preference autonomy, can do this no more. ®

Some animal rights supporters, including Fund For Animals, have supported research for a

contraceptive solution. It is an alternative that wipes out the species but not the

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individuals, respecting their right to life, *’ However others are opposed to contraception

also based on the concept of rights. The animal is not given a choice about being

sterilized.^^* It takes away the right of species to reproduce, potentially frustrating a very

basic and powerful drive, and violates the animal’s right to preference autonomy.

The animal welfare movement is more anthropocentric in their interpretation of

responsibilities to animals. In Appendix H of the DEIS, animal welfare is defined as a view


...holds that human beings may use or manage non-human animal resources, as long as we are sensitive and compassionate to the animals’ condition. In some cases, it is necessary to kill individual animals.Consideration for the individual’s pain and suffering is of primary importance.

A person sincerely interested in reducing animal suffering is interested in animal welfare.

According to this position humans are responsible to curtail and if possible eliminate pain

and suffering, but when push comes to shove, human benefits and objectives can override

prevention of the animal’s pain or suffering. This position is likely to support shooting the

goats provided alternatives have been considered and credibly dismissed. The NFS has

ostensibly addressed animal welfare by considering, testing and evaluating various live

capture methods. For reasons discusse in chapter four, live capture methods have been

promoted and criticized based on arguments of animal welfare. Supporters of shooting the

goats often claim that it is perhaps the most humane form of removal since it, ideally,

instantly kills the goat without causing the goat any suffering.

Environmental ethics also plays a role in the debate surrounding the mountain

goats. This is a belief system that holds:

. . .plants are included within the parameters of the ethical theory as well as animals. Indeed, inanimate entities such as oceans and lakes, mountains, forests, and wetlands are assigned a greater value than individual animals and in a way quite different from systems which accord them moral

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considerability through a further multiplication of competing individual loci of value and holders of rights.

References are often made to Aldo Leopold’s land ethic as the basis for “biocentric” or

environmental ethics: “A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and

beauty o f the community. It is \vrong when it tends otherwise.”^^ Calicott comments,

“The land ethic, in other words, is inclined to establish value distinctions not on the basis

of higher and lower orders of being, but on the basis of the importance of organisms,

minerals, and so on to the biotic community.” He goes on to explain that in such a

hierarchy, a bacteria could be considered higher than a dog, as, in every case, the effect

upon the ecological system “is the decisive factor in the determination of the ethical

quality of a c t i o n s . L a u r a Westra explains that an ecosystemic perspective places every

single organism within it in a functioning niche, and it has only the ‘rights’ predicated by

its natural interaction with other elements both biotic and abiotic at the most basic level, at

which the principle of integrity func t i ons . I t is this kind of ethic that the Park Service

attempts to propound, at least in the goat controversy. The National Park Service is in

charge of:

...wide open spaces and natural landscapes [which] have a unique biological and cultural value in the western United States. The National Park Service is charged to preserve and protect ecosystems and natural processes in a manner that will leave them unimpaired for future generations, even if it means making painful decisions in the short term.^^^

Park manager Boyd Evison explained that the National Park Service is in the business of

preserving natural processes. Intervention should occur only to counteract the unavoidable

effects of past mistakes.^ ' Within NPS natural zones,the emphasis is on maintaining

“fundamental ecological processes rather than individual species per se.” ”* As a result,

exotics are not always “unwanted.” Ring-necked pheasants and chukars, introduced a long

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time ago to Haleakala National Park, are tolerated because they may satisfy roles once

filled by now extinct Hawaiian birds. And biological control agents have been used to

control harmful NIS . ” This shift accompanies the growth of the idea of the ecological

community as an object of value in and of itself along with its select separate parts, and

translates into the recent shift towards ecosystem management where:

.. managers must leam to view species not just as individual units but also as parts of ecosystems upon which they depend. Furthermore, managers must view ecosystems themselves as interacting elements at regional and local scales.^”

These are three of the dominant value systems tussling in this contoversy. All of

them emphasize that it is more than human welfare that counts. * '* Few of the participants

are exclusive adherents to one value system or another. The area of emphasis is the

distinguishing factor. Environmentalists place primary importance on the preservation of

species, communities and ecosystems rather than individuals, whereas animal liberationists

urge the consideration of the suffering of sentient animals when making ethical

decisions.^” Environmental ethicists may wrestle against killing the goats as they are

sentient, important beings. Fund for Animals, as mentioned earlier, litigiously

demonstrated their support of endangered plants. One Seattle Times editorial columnistt


I am not squeamish about shooting animals to balance nature. I’ve advocated killing the California sea lions that camp at the Ballard Locks and are destroying the Lake Washington winter wild steelhead run. Logic supports that. A state-protected species (steelhead) is being extinguished by a federally protected species (sea lions) whose numbers are mushrooming. Ten years of trying to solve the problem with nonlethal means failed. Shoot 'em. I’m not convinced facts support shooting all of the park’s goats to save Olympic milkvetch or other rare species of vegetation.. .The environmental-impact statement says the goats have the potential to impact rare and fragile vegetation. It doesn’t say the reduced number of goats is wiping anything out by eating, trampling or wallowing in it.'**

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One criticism made of the “environmental” perspective is that such a belief system

does not press the advocate to care about the suffering of individual organisms so long as

the species is preserved/"^ Instead, environmentalists claim autonomous values for

wholes, sometimes avoiding the added messiness of adjudicating ethical conflicts between

individuals with autonomous values.^”* This type of belief system ““may take the form of a

monolithic doctrine according to which the only thing that matters is the stability of the

e c o s y s t e m . T h e weak basis for this is that. Sober notes, “...organisms do not passively

reside in an environment whose properties are independently determined.”^ W estra

concurs that “. . .one may respond that this ethic gives no place to the good of individual

organisms, other than when that good contributes to the well-being of the whole,”^

Therein lies the major contention of animal rightists with this viewpoint. They see a great

deficiency in the education of wildlife professionals where emphasis is placed on

populations, to the exclusion of developing sensitivity to individual animals.”^ ^

Another contentious issue has been the distinction made between artificial (human­

shaped) and natural. Sober argues that humans are part of nature and explains that “If this

is a premise, that we are part of nature, then everything we do is part of nature, and

thereby n a t u r a l . H e uses this premise to criticize the distinction made between

domestic and wild animals as respectively artificial and natural. He argues that the

domestication of animals, and I would suggest his logic could be extended to introduction,

as one species exerting a selection pressure upon another .^The distinction between

natural and artificial, native and non-native, is deemed biologically unrealistic."'^ Chase

angrily states that aversion to exotics “ based on the dangerous notion that people are

not part of evolution, and therefore ‘preservation’ requires killing things that have been

changed by man Westra also argues for a greater acceptance of inevitable cultural

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impacts on wild nature, yet cautions that we should beware of compromising biological

integrity with cultural integrity in such a way that the natural system becomes seriously

degraded, especially if to the point of potential collapse, because “...culture depends on

agriculture, and ecosystems and hydrology and meterology. We still want land health,

even when pristine integrity has been compromised in order to support various forms of

cultural integrity

On the other hand, the animal rights perspective has been censured for narrowly

basing an ethical system on the prevention of suffering in sentient organisms. Westra

questions the act of going to great lengths, such as forsaking meat, to prevent pain and

suffering in other creatures. She feels this approach is wrong for two reasons;

First, it leads to an unavoidable polarization between animal and ecological ethics, torn asunder by the criterion of sentience and capped even by the possible requirement of sympathy. It seems to me that a defense based on either sympathy or sentience can only be supported by paternalistic disrespect for the realities that govern all life. '*

In its place, Westra proposes an alternative ethic “...that accepts both the inescapable facts

of natural hostility and instrumental interdependence and the respect due to all of nature,

including animals.”^C a lico tt also criticizes the.crusade for animal rights as unrealistic,

even unnatural:

. . .the value commitments of the humane movement seem at bottom to betray a world-denying or rather a life-loathing philosophy. . . To live is to be anxious about life, to feel pain and pleasure in a fitting mixture, and sooner or later to die. That is the way the system works. If nature as a whole is good, then pain and death are also good....People have attempted to exempt themselves from the life/death reciprocities of natural processes and from ecological limitations in the name of a prophylactic ethic of maximizing rewards (pleasure) and minimizing unwelcome information(pain). To be fair, the humane moralists seem to suggest that we should attempt to project the same values into the nonhuman animal world and to widen the charmed circle—no matter that it would be biologically unrealistic to do so or biologically ruinous if, per possible, such an environmental ethic were implemented?^'^

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Singer, however, argues against the justification that it is okay for humans to kill

nonhuman animals because killing is a part of nature, as non-human animals kill other

sentient beings. He retorts that humans are unique in having a capacity for moral

reasoning, and so have a responsibility to make morally sensitive decisions, whereas

animals do not have that o p t i o n . T h e animal rights movement has also been criticized

for adjudication based on sentience as it leads to a trap that the animal rights movement

itself professes to avoid; speciesism, described as “a prejudice or attitude of bias towards

the members of one’s own species and against those of members of other species.”^ The

term has been used by animal rightists to condemn choices based on assumptions of

human superiority. However, some argue against the assumption of the superiority based

on sentience when the dilemma is sentient animal versus plant. Speciesism can also be

played out at the level of the biotic community.

Another argument made against the animal rights perspective is the consideration

of individual animals as the basis of moral choices. Calicott also warns against the

problems that stem fi om trying to provide for the needs of individuals as a primary goal:

On the level of social organization, the interests of society may not always coincide with the sum of the interests of its parts... A society, indeed, is particularly vulnerable to disintegration when its members become preoccupied totally with their own particular interest, and ignore those distinct and independent interests of the community as a whole...Each special interest accordingly clamors more loudly to be satisfied while the community as a whole becomes noticeably more and more infirm economically, environmentally, and politically.

The argument is made that when weighing the health of an ecological community versus

the potential suffering and death of individual mountain goats, it does become a special

interest versus the interests of the ecological society as a whole. However, Regan differs,

and bristles at the nth degree of this line of logic, as he fears that: “It is difficult to see how

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the notion of the rights of the individual could find a home within a view that, emotive

connotations to one side, might be fairly dubbed ‘environmental fascism.’” He follow with

the analogy of pitting a rare wildflower which contributes more to the biotic community

against a common human being. Given a choice, the human life should be killed to save

the wildflower. He explains;

The rights view can not abide this position, not because the rights view categorically denies that inanimate objects can have rights...but because it denies the propriety of deciding what should be done to individuals who have rights by appeal to aggregative considerations, including,therefore, computations about what will or will not maximally ‘contribute to the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. ’ Individual rights are not to be outweighed by such considerations (which is not to say that they are never to be outweighed). Environmental fascism and the rights view are like oil and water: they don’t mix/ '*

As I’ve discussed in previous chapters, these various value systems haven’t mixed

too well and probably can’t. The mountain goats in Olympic National Park are unwitting

pawns in a battle of belief systems and this respect of the controversy bears studying if not

to achieve reconciliation, then at least a better understanding, because as I’ve noted, these

clashes and their relations will continue.

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SEATTLE, WA. 5/3/95

Kevin Herrick (“The Mountaineers”) - This is an opportunity to correct past ecosystem

mistakes. Ecosystems are difficult and complex. When NPS addresses a controversial

issue, it’s usually when the issue has gone pretty far.

Ken Shirey - Goats should be hunted, not gunned out of a helicopter in this

“environmental Disneyland.” The “web of life includes a predator called the human

species.” Carcasses left in ecosytem is a waste of resources.

Peter Stekel - “Ecosystems and plant communities are alive too.” Mountain goats are

“cute and furry” but in this case they are “weeds.”

Andrew Cuk - He espoused the philosophy of responsibility. Goats deserve the right to be

treated as individuals, not as “weeds.”

Will Anderson (Progressive Animal Welfare Society) - He accused the DEIS of being

wordsmithed to death. The ecosystem has resilience. Since there are not high numbers of

goats, the ecosystem is “absorbing” the impact.

Molly Sargent - She was also opposed to killing goats as well as killing goats as a solution

to a problem: “murder.”

Ken Harkin - “People will believe what they hope is true.”

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The 1969 National Environmental Policy Act requires “an early and open process

for determining the scope of issues to be addressed and for identifying the significant

issues related to a proposed action” called “scoping.”^ In the Purpose and Need section

of the Draft Envionmental Impact Statement on the Olympic mountain goats, there is a

listing of the major issues that the public has identified regarding the Olympic mountain

goat issue. The issues were sorted into two categories: those which were developed into

resource elements as subjects to cover in comparing the alternatives, and those issues

considered, but not used as a comparison element for analysis, titled “Issues Considered,

But Not Analyzed.” The issue in the unanalyzed group is “Ethical concerns of a goat

management program.” The details explain that the wide range of ethical concerns raised

by the public during the EIS process included environmental ethics, animal welfare, and

animal rights. Then the following statement is made: “Ethics is not an environmental issue

and is outside the realm of NEPA,”

When I first read those words, I was taken aback. I read the National

Environmental Policy Act to make sure ethics is not an environmental issue. NEPA,

Section 2 depicts itself as a policy to “encourage productive and enjoyable harmony

between man and his environment, to promote efforts which will prevent or eliminate

damage to the environment and biosphere and stimulate the health and welfare of man...”

Ethics is not outside the realm of NEPA because NEPA is the statement of an ethic, a

value-based priority system promoting the environmental harmony and welfare of humans.

On one hand, I understood the DEIS writer’s point. The EIS is to wear a tone of

impartial scrutiny. It should not be beleagured by the murky nebulousness of values. It’s

procedural I rationalize. Ethics are messy, values are messy, no one agrees, better not

dabble in that—just serve up cool, clear logic and wash the problem away. But the rub is.

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this whole dilemma has been complicated by little more than human values. One of the

problems with the National Park’s treatment of this controversy is that they consider the

ethics, but don’t fully analyze them. That’s the public relations rub. This issue and every

single position taken on this issue is a values position. Donald Brown defines ethics as the

“domain of inquiry” which seeks to construct propositions as to what is good, right or

obligatory. “Ethics is concerned with ‘prescriptive’ statements, which attempt to transcend

relative cultural and individual positions.”^ The questions asked in this issue are requests

for prescriptive answers, like “What species and what qualities do we recognize as

important? What do we want to protect and perpetuate? Why?” When these choices

involve killing selected living beings for the potential survival of others, it’s difficult to see

“mountain goat management” as other than an issue of environmental ethics. Furthermore,

an NPS NEPA guideline (1982) states that “important environmental issues discussed

during consultation should be described whenever conflicts are apparent or whenever

issues remain unresolved.”

Some of the language volleyed in this debate illustrates how polemical this issue

has become. In articles, word choices clearly indicate where the writer’s sympathies lie.

Alston Chase, an enthusiastic park service critic accused, “Hostility to exotics is biological

xenophobia. It is a religious and racist idea, resting on the false belief that plants and

animals should stay where God put them.,.”^ A Seattle Post-Intelligencer editorial

discusses the park’s “seemingly inevitable conclusion in its efforts to cope with hordes of

ill-mannered mountain goats.” Alternatively, a Seattle Times editorial describes “a

mountain goat standing regally on a high cliff. . .the real symbol of the vast stretch of

spectacular land that is Olympic National Park ” An angrier writer lambastes the “runaway

shoot-the-mountain-goats train stoked by park scientists.” He discusses the park service’s

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plan to the leave the goats’ “ ...carcasses to rot.” He describes the goats as “...regal

creatures with astounding perseverance...a testament to courage and endurance.”

The decision to shoot the goats has generated a tremendous amount of

controversy because there is no right answer. Any solution contains some wrong—whether

it leads to the death of innocent mountain goats or the potential loss of alpine vegetation

with unknown repercussions. There is no absolute answer here, handed up on a silver

platter made of science. A common misunderstanding is that science shows what should

be done. However scientific research does not produce preservation goals and can’t

demonstrate that any decision made for a certain management objective is a biological and

ecological necessity. Instead, it reveals the direction and magnitude of ecological

interaction. In this case, science is the source of a limited knowledge bank and educated

guesses. Though science is often used as a tool for guiding management decisions, it does

require a leap of faith when the conclusions are speculative and not grounded in empirical

fact. The NPS decision is based on faith in scientifically based projections: the plants will

probably become extinct or at least significantly jeopardized. Considering the field

conditions and the current technology, a wonder contraceptive will probably not be found

in time to be part of the solution to this problem. Lyman observes “Because policies and

decisions are based on available data, management will only be as good as those data,

particularly in the l o n g - t e r m . A g e e and Johnson discuss the transience and malleability

of the foundation upon which ecological decisions are made, as the developing knowledge

bank and values and priorities are always changing. There is no clear-cut formula for

ecosystem management. Trial and error and hyposthesizing are some of the main tools

used in decision-making. “Natural resource management is an experiment, including park

and wilderness management... [we] do not know precisely the outcome of most

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management strategies. . . goals will therefore be achieved through hypotheses that are

continually tested and refined.”' -® Ecologists make decisions under the influence of data,

but are ultimately in such decisions representing their own viewpoints or philosophies

(more diversity versus less, native versus non-native).^^* “Which species to import and

release, which to exclude, and which to control are ultimately cultural and political

choices—choices about the kind of world in which we want to live.”^ An article

discussing the blurriness of ethical and scientific judgements points out that;

...often in these discussions wildlife professionals give the animal rights perspective little credibility because it is considered emotion. . .On the other hand, strong support for manipulation of individual animals and populations of wildlife... the perspective typically espoused by wildlife professionals, is considered highly credible because it is science-based or biologically correct...Such discussions are troublesome because they miss the main point of the debate, or perhaps purposefully ignore it in an attempt to protect views and practices traditionally held by wildlife professionals. The point being missed is that both perspectives are fundamentally ethical judgements. Misrepresenting ethical judgements as scientific judgements is the pitfall to avoid.

My view on this issue comes after months of ambivalence. The goats are both

incredible and innocent animals. I believe that with our human capacity to trample

anything impeding our path towards “progress” and our ability to wallow in our repeated

displays of ignorance, we have an enormous responsibility to prevent animals from being

the hapless victims of our choices. I also think plants and communities and the

interconnections therein deserve similar respect. The biggest sticking point for me in this

whole dilemma is that humans introduced the mountain goats, humans designated a

national park, and humans proceeded to establish a set of goals of how they wanted this

land to be used (for preservation purposes) that demanded that the goats be erased from

the place to which they were originally, eagerly brought. I also have a problem with the

fact that the litmus test telling us that it is time to completely remove the goats is partly

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based on assumptions. As Porter et al. explain, it’s a lot easier to depend on science as a

solid foundation when dealing with very specific objectives and fairly simple ecological

relationships. But when you start acting upon a partial understanding of more complex

ecological relations, like with the mountain goats and figuring out the repercussions of

their impact, we make untested assumptions so we can’t be confident that our actions will

accomplish what we intend. ' '*

Perhaps the ecological impact won’t be so severe if the goats remain. Perhaps

there is time for an alternative solution. But with fragile alpine areas, solutions based on

speculation seem pretty risky. Until all of the goats are removed, according to park

scientists, rare plants unique to Olympic National Park are in jeopardy of extinction. Too,

while I am personally more comfortable with protecting the goats, I stop because of the

precedent that I ’m setting, feeling comfortable with the potential loss of a few plant

species for the protection of the mountain goats, which is setting a dangerous precedent

for future similar conflicts. This logic Lovejoy claims is classic in philosophy; “...the loss

of a single species out of the millions that exist seems of little consequence... increments

seem so negligible, yet in aggregate they are highly significant.” Based on the value of

ecological integrity, best guesses and minimizing risk, I can see why the National Park

Service has decided to shoot the goats. Shooting currently seems to be the most viable

method of permanently removing a large number of mountain goats. After realizing the

trauma and stress attached to current viable forms of live capture for both humans and

mountain goats, with a rate of up to 20% in capture-related mortalities, and the risks of

capture myopathy, game hunting and abandonment of kids, these alternative methods

don’t seem that redemptive upon close scrutiny. If this decision is to achieve as near a

complete solution as possible, I think the permanence of shooting is needed to prevent the

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perpetuation of an ongoing solution that won’t necessarily have an ongoing, perpetual

source of funding. For the good of the biotic community, specifically the ecological health

of alpine and subalpine communities and for the protection of particular plant species, the

goats should be removed. Essentially, I support the “greater good” of ecological integrity

in the form of restoring the original members and connections to the community, assuming

that can be done. But if we’re going to do something as drastic as shooting the goats, for

a situation that our species is responsible for, both by importing the goats and designating

their new locale as a preserved area without allowance for goat impact, we need to look

very closely at the significance of the causes and actively prevent these situations

elsewhere. Bullets are not The Solution to The Problem.

I consider the best comprehensive solution at this time to be one which pulls a

little from all of the above described value systems. I think that we need to take genuine

responsibility for the animals placed on the peninsula by our own species, spurred on by

the horror of the “best” solution to this problem as incentive to keep this kind of history

from repeating itself. After having so many lessons from a chain of exotic problems, we

have a keen responsibility not to continue to harm animals to achieve our purposes, just

because we can. Our shrinking base of biodiversity and protected lands is reason enough

to do everything we can both for the sake of jeopardized ecological communities and the

sacrificial ungulates.

In the immediate future, we assiduously need to continue the search for permanent

humane methods that don’t involve taking lives. Even if not based in moral argument,

there is a need for avoiding the management nightmare caused by this kind of controversy.

Wright says that while shooting the goats is, “.. .by far the most cost-effective and

expedient method for reducing or eliminating the population” it “would probably be the

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most politically unpalatable s o l u t i o n . I don’t know how the public is going to respond

to this “ecological” decision and its concomitant emotional weight. The fact that plant

populations are threatened with fragmentation and potential extinction may not seem

persuasive if the press covers the scene of the mountain goats being shot point blank. I

don’t think mainstream public concerns for changes in floristic composition will currently

outweigh the shock of seeing beautiful, regal animals killed. Tom Juelson, of the

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife predicts that if NPS shoots the mountain

goats, it will lead to a tremendous public relations volley. The media will come in droves

and generate a tremendous public outcry. Politically, Juelson doesn’t think this is going to

happen. When questioned about her opinion on future instances like this, Sue Consolo-

Murphy of Yellowstone National Park, predicted that from a bio-political standpoint,

there will be more problems when it comes to the issue of charismatic mega-fauna. There

is a public orientation to the individual animal that ecological education won’t necessarily

change. A widely effective form of contraception is would probably the most promising

live control method, technically and politically. Wright projects, “New techniques

presently in development and testing may someday eliminate the need for capturing an

animal to be treated, thus removing the most expensive and difficult step in sterilizing wild

animals. Should this occur, it would provide NPS with a humane and politically viable

control option to deal with what has thus far been an extremely difficult problem to

solve.“^ In addition to public resistance, there will also be a remant population on

neighboring Forest lands that the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is going to

try to perpetuate. Mountain goat management between the two agencies will be combative

rather than cooperative. There are at least two lawsuits that will potentially hamper action

in the near future, one from Fund For Animals and another from a retired employee with

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the Washington Department of Wildlife who feels that state acceptance of the preferred

alternative is breaking the state law of perpetuating and protecting wildlife. There are

also calculated risks with settling on this solution. The full impact of the current mountain

goat population, its current dispersal and the level of threat those goats pose to the

various communities is not fully clear. Also future developments in contraception hold

unknown potential as part of an alternative solution albeit expensive and potentially

technically more difficult.

For the future, we need to stop introducing exotics to areas where there is any

possibility of animals impacting the native ecological community. Doug Houston asserts

that the introduction of non-native ungulates is not usually accompanied by a strong

consideration of resident rare and endemic plant species. He admits that this often occurs

at introduction sites with long histories of heavy livestock grazing, so in some cases the

lack of consideration is understandable. But this isn’t always the case and mountain goats

don’t have a map saying where their hoofprints are no longer welcome. There have been

fairly recent incidents involving the transplantation of mountain goats where the goats

have been “legally” introduced only to become “unwelcome additions” nearby, discussed

in greater detail in chapter five.

I think just as we’re striving after a broader vision in efforts towards ecosystem

management, so too we need to strive after a broader decision-making framework;

specifically, the ethical aspects of this decision need to be considered and analyzed as

“environmental consequences.” Ethical concerns need to rub the elbows of more

traditional bases for decision-making, i.e. politics, economics and science. Killing the

mountain goats based on speculation and projection is understandable when viewed

through a cost and balance evaluation where the bottom line is ecosystem values. The

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plants are more valuable, judging from park data. But there’s another bottom line: the

goats are imbedded in the Olympic Peninsula due to human whim. The deeper I dig into

this issue and as I press my ear to the ground, I hear reluctant murmurs and misgivings

about shooting the goats from several different directions. And as I reach a conclusion, my

voice carries the same tone. I don’t think these reservations are just visceral reactions to

the sure-footed scampering of mega-charismatic fauna. There’s something larger going on

and that’s the discomfort of stifling profound concern about our decision to exterminate

an admirable group of animals. It’s all the more difficult to squelch such concerns when

some are saying with great conviction, we don’t need kill all of them. Towards the end of

this project, I called the National Park Service and the Washington Department of Fish

and Wildlife with some last minute questions. Both parties referred to a meeting that they

had with the other agency the following day. One NPS resource management scientist

explained that he understands that the ultimate differences between the two agencies are

philosophical, so he no longer gets offended. And a biologist from WDFW alluded to the

differences as being based on opinion. It would benefit the discussions between agencies

and interest groups if differences were routinely noted and explained based on ethics.

What I’m suggesting is difficult and could pave the way for mushy discussions. I don’t

think it will facilitate discussions or agreement but I do think that it will be a truer

representation when that arena is included instead of smokescreening the issue by just

focusing on graphs, tables, and law. I also think that a stronger, more painstaking

discussion of values on the part of the Park Service will demonstrate that there is an

internal struggle for the Park Service in making this decision—they’re not just rabid

ecologists with a taste for blood. I don’t know if more public will agree with their

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decision, but I think that there might be at least a better understanding of what the

difference really is and what NPS considers important.

So as this project is limping towards closure, there is something to be said for

avoiding problems and hold-ups by cutting and drying the decision with one

straightforward and permanent conclusion; Shoot 'em. There are other resource

management objectives after all. But I’m tired of talking the vocabulary of “harvesting”

and “managing” and “eradicating.” This is a decision to kill animals to protect the future of

several plant taxa. I can’t condemn the decision because frankly, after all of my research

and discussion, I have a hard time seeing any other currently viable alternative. But I think

we need to proceed with caution in future dilemmas to prevent our move towards

ecosystem management from leaning towards ecological totalitarianism. In the end, I don’t

think we should always be steered by, but we should be influenced by care for the

individual animal

It’s true, we’re enormously influenced by the issue of charismatic megafauna. If

exotic toxic plants presented the possibility of slowly killing off the native mountain goat

population in Glacier National Park, there wouldn’t be so much disagreement. More of us

would agree, yank 'em. The mountain goats tug at us and to ignore that or reduce it to

silly sentimentalism is to pretend that we share no commonality with animals, and it is a

denial of our enormous influence and unwarranted control over the welfare of these

“fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth.”

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“The metaphors that guide natural resource management are shifting—&om the self-

sustaining wilderness to the managed garden. . .The world is being defined more in terms of

the ‘unnatural’ rather than the ‘natural.’ , .part of a general trend toward a more managed

globe . To some, this shift represents a grave loss. To others it represents greater

willingness to undertake responsible action. Issues regarding indigenous and non-

indigenous species underscore these different points of view.”^ ^

For the Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Clarify the present and projected impact of the current mountain goat population. More

carefully explain the reasons there are unknowns and why concern is still present. Work

harder at cleairly educating the public on issues of ecology and values on the part of the


Other responsibilities

I . Prevent history from repeating itself

a. Support the research and use of permanent humane (contraceptive solutions).

b. NPS should not play party, even as part of an inter-agency effort, to exportations of


c. Work on a clearer, more specific definition of an exotic species, particularly in temporal


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2. Make the consideration of ethics an integral part of resolving environmental issues.

a. Consider the effect of mountain goat management on goats in DEIS alternatives.

Discuss the ethical implications and the impacts of various approaches on the goats - what

are the risks, advantages, disadvantages to them? Potential range of impacts of goat

management on the mountain goats. This could make for messier discussions, but it will

also clarify bases for conflicts rather than obfuscating differences with discussions strictly

limited to science and policy.

b. Develop the technical skill to deal with the ethical and value dimensions of our

environmental problems. Work on distinguishing fact from ethical issues. Consider ethical

questions and positions in environmental decision-making processes.

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' Victor Schefifer, interview by author, pers.comm., Seattle, Washington, 1 December 1994.^Ibid. Rino Manarin, “Allow Hunters to Thin Goat Numbers”, Peninsula Daily News, 21 April 1992. Daniel J. Decker et al., “Ethical and Scientific Judgements in Management: Beware o f Blurred

Distinctions” Wildlife Society Bulletin 19, no. 4 (1991): 525-526. Ibid., 524.

® Mike Clary, “Exotic Plants . Animals Imperil U.S. Ecosystem,” Los Angeles Times. 5 March 1993, sec. A, p. I, 14." OTA, 247-248.® Clary, 1,14.®OTA, 61,63.

R. Gerald Wright, Wildilfe Research and Managerhent in the National Parks, (Chicago: University o f Illinois Press, 1992), 91.” M. Goigel and S. Bratton, “Exotics in the Parks,” National Parks (January/February 1983): 25.’=Ibid.

Elizabeth Culotta, “Biological Immigrants Under Fire: Ecologists Address an Age-old Problem With New Urgency, Warning That ‘the hom*ogenization o f the World” is Becoming a Threat,” Science 254, no. 5037 ( 6 December 1991) : 1444.

Ibid.Clary, 17.Victor Kiernan, “U.S. Counts Cost o f Alien Invaders” New Scientist 140, no. 1896 (23 October 1993) :

9.” “Exotic Species Prove Costly Immigrants,” Science News 144 (16 October 1993): 252.

Clary, 14,Culotta, 1444.Clary, 17.S.L. Pimm, “The Consequences of Introductions and Exinctions”, in The Balance of Nature?:

Ecological Issues in the Conservation o f Species and Communities (Chicago; The University o f Chicago Press): 334-356.“ Clary, 14.

Culotta, 1444.“Exotic Species Prove Costly Immigrants,” Science News 144 (16 October 1993): 252.Clary, 14.Ibid.Kiernan, 9.OTA, 73.Culotta, 1444.OTA, 75.“Exotic Species Prove Costly Immigrants,” Science News 144 (16 October 1993): 252.Kyla Seligsohn-Bennett, “Mismanaging Endangered and ‘Exotic’ Species in the National Parks”,

Environmental Law 20 (1990); 415.Ibid. citing Matthiessen.Ibid. citing Glieck.National Park Service, Mountain Goats in Olympic National Park: Biology and Management of an

Introduced Species. (Washington D C : Author, 1994), 5.Goigel and Bratton, 26.OTA, 188.Ibid., 189.Ibid., 188.Ibid., 189.

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P.M. Vitousek, “Diversity and Biological Invasions o f Oceanic Islands” in Biodiversity (Washington D.C. National Academy Press. 1988), 185.

Pimm, 334-356.Goigel and Bratton, 26.National Park Service, Mountain Goats in Olympic National Park: Biology and Management o f an

Introduced Species. Draft in press. (Washington D C : Author, April 1994), 154.W.F. Porter. M.A. Coffey, and J. Hadidan, “In Search of a Litmus Test: Wildlife Management in U.S.

National Parks,” Wildlife Society Bulletin 22, no. 2 (1994): 304.National Park Service, General Management Plan. Final Environmental Impact Statement: Volume. 1.

(Big Cypress National Preserve, Florida: National Park Service), 178.S.R. Humphrey, Rare and Endangered Biota of Florida: Volume One: Mammals. (Gainseville, FL:

University Press o f Florida).^ D.S. Maehr, “Florida Panther Food Habits and Energetics” (Florida Statewide Wildlife Research: 1990).

NPS, General Management Plan . 188.Ibid., 189.Ibid.Ibid., 180.Lyle George, regular customer at Redhook Ale Brewery on Monday live jazz nights, pers. comm.,

Seattle, WA. 23 October 1994.R. Gerald Wright. Wildilfe Research and Management in the National Parks. (Chicago: University o f

Illinois Press. 1992), 102.National Park Service, “Aliens Introduced” in Goats in the Olympics: What Lies Ahead?.B.L, Sleeper and M. Hutchins, “The Horns o f a Dilemma: Mountain Goats Create an Olympic-Size

Problem,” Pacific Discovery (Winter 1989): 18.Wright, 102.J.D. Varley, “Managing Yellowstone National Park Into the 21st Century: The Park as an Aquarium”

in Ecos\'Stem Management (city: pub, yr), 216-225.Wright, 55.C.S. Anunsen, “Saving the Goats; A Showdown in Washington State”, The Animal’s Agenda.

(January/February 1993): 27.Wright. 27.

“ A. Starker Leopold et al. “Study of Wildlife Problems in National Parks: Wildlife Management in National Parks,” Twenty-eighth North American Wildlife Conference. (1963), 28-45.

Agee and Johnson, Ecosystem Management 9-10.^ Leopold, 43.

Ibid.. 4L ^ Ibid., 43.

R.H. Wauer and W.R. Supemaugh, “Wildlife Management in the National Parks: An Historical Perspective,” National Parks and Conservation. (July/August 1983): 15.^ Paul Crawford, “UW-Goal Talk,” Talk presented at the University o f Washington, unpublished.

Ibid.™ “World Heritage Nomination,” lUCN Technical Review, 19 March 1981.

Sleeper and Hutchins, 18.Ibid.

” V.B. Scheffer, “The Olympic Goat Controvesry: A Perspective,” Conservation Biology. 4, no. 4 (December 1993): 918.

National Park Service, Goats in Olympic National Park: Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Mountain Goat Management (February 1995): 70.

Michael Smithson, Olympic: Ecosystems o f the Peninsula (Helena: American and World Geographic Publishing, 1993), 93.

Ibid.. 94.” Sleeper and Hutchins, 17.

“Introduced Mountain Goats in Conflict with Endemic and Rare Plant Species in Olympic National Park”. Environmental Review. I, no. 2 (February 1994): 1.

Sleeper and Hutchins, 17.

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Brad Carlquist, “An Effective Management Plan for the Exotic Mountain Goat in Olympic National Park” (M. Sc. University o f Washington, 1989), 5.

Sleeper and Hutchins, 17.National Park Service, Mountain Goats in Olympic National Park: Biology and Management o f an

Introduced Species. Draft in press, (Washington D C : Author, April 1994), 154.Ibid., 110.R. Gerald Wright, Wildilfe Research and Management in the National Parks, (Chicago; University of

Illinois Press, 1992), 102.National Park Service, Mountain Goats in Olympic National Park: Biology and Management o f an

Introduced Species. (Washington D.C. : Author, 1994), 187.®®Ibid., 1 2 2 .

Sleeper and Hutchins, 17.NPS, Mountain Goats in Olympic, Draft in press, 143.

^ S.L. P im m ,, “The Consequences o f Introductions and Extinctions” in The Balance of Nature?: Ecological Issues in the Conservation o f Species and Communities (Chicago: The University o f Chicago Press, 1992), 334-356.^ NPS, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, ii-iii..

Environmental Review, 4.NPS, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, 103.Ibid.Environmental Review,. 5.NPS, DEIS. 85.

^ NPS, Mountain Goats in Olympic . 113.Environmental Review, 6 .

^ NPS, Mountain Goats in Olympic, Draft in press, 156-7.^ Sleeper and Hutchins, 20.

Ed Schreiner, pers. comm., telephone, 26 April 1995.NPS, DEIS, iii.NPS, Mountain Goats in Olympic, Draft in press, 115.Environmental Review. 6 .NPS, DEIS. 8 8 .NPS, Mountain Goats in Olympic. Draft in press, 157.

106 Environmental Review. 1,‘0 NPS, Mountain Goats in Olympic. Draft in press, 110,•Û8 Ibid.'0 Sleeper and Hutchins, 18.

Doug B. Houston et al., “Mountain Goat Management in Olympic National Park: A Progress Report,’ N atural Areas Journal, 11, no.2 (1991): 89.

Sleeper and Hutchins, 19.""Ibid.

Houston, 87."^NPS, DEIS. 25.

NPS, Mountain Goats in Olympic, Draft in press, 144.Houston, 89.NPS, Mountain Goats in Olympic , 115.

" 8 Ibid., 98."9 Ibid., 103.‘ 20 NPS, DEIS. 83.‘21 Sleeper and Hutchins, 21.‘ 22 NPS, Mountain Goats in Olympic, Draft in press, 107.‘23 Ibid., 152.‘2 NPS, DEIS. 103.‘23 Environmental Review, 4.‘2 Ibid.‘22 NPS, Mountain Goats in Olympic, Draft in press, 153.

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Environmental Review. 2.Ibid.Douglas Houston, pers. comm., telephone, 26 April 1995.Douglas B. Houston and Edward G. Schreiner, “Alien Species in National Parks; Drawing Lines in

Space and Time,” Conservation Biology. In press. (18 July 1994); 3.NPS, DEIS. 104,Ed Schreiner.interview by author.. 13 October 1994.

' Wright, 103.Schreiner, interview.OTA, p. 70.J.Haberstroh, “Peninsula’s Goats Caught in the Middle of the Hunt for Solutions” The Seattle Times.

14 January 1992, B l.Paul Crawford, pers. comm , Olympic National Park. Seattle Washington, 12 October 1994.

139 Ibid.1'’° National Park Service, Mountain Goats in Olympic National Park; Biology and Management of an Introduced Species. Draft in press, (Washington D.C.; Author, April 1994), 164.141 Ibid, 160-1.14' National Park Service, Mountain Goats in Olympic National Park; Biology and Management o f an Introduced Species. (Washington D C.; Author, 1994), 5.143 NPS. Mountain Goats in Olympic. Draft in press, 163.144 Brad Carlquist, “An Effective Management Plan for the Exotic Mountain Goat in Olympic National Park” (M.Sc. thesis, University o f Washington, 1989), 8.143 Brad Carlquist, “An Effective Management Plan for the Exotic Mountain Goats in Olympic National P a r k . ” Natural Areas Journal 10. no. 1 (1990);15.14 Carlquist, thesis, 8.14" B.L. Sleeper and M. Hutchins, “The Horns o f a Dilemma; Mountain Goats Create an Olympic-Size Problem,” Pacific Discovery (Winter 1989): 18.148 NPS. Mountain Goats in Olympic , Draft in press, 163.149 Ibid.. 161.130 Doug Houston, pers. comm., telepone, 16 February 1995.131 Shelly Sparhawk, interview by author, Olympic National Park, Port Angeles, Washington, 15 December 1994.13' Houston..133 NPS, Mountain Goats in Olympic , Draft in press, 176.134 Ibid., 162.133 NPS, Mountain Goats in Olympic. 193.15 Ibid., 195.133 D.B. Houston et al. “Mountain Goat Management in Olympic National Park; A Progress Report,” I tural Areas Journal 11, no. 2 (1991); 90.138 NPS, Mountain Goats in Olympic. 194.139 Ibid., 196.169 Ibid., 162.161 NPS, Mountain Goats in Olympic. Draft in press, 166.163 P.M. Vitousek, “Diversity and Biological Invasions o f Oceanic Islands” in Biodiversity (WashingtonD.C.;National Academy Press, 1988), 186.163 D.B. Houston, B.B. Moorhead, and R.W. Olson, “Mountain Goat Population Trends in the Olympic Mountain Range, Washington,” Northwest Science. 65, no. 5 (November 1991): 215.164 Sleeper and Hutchins, 17.163 Animal Kingdom. (May/June 1990); 24.166 Richard Olson. “A Risk Assessment Process for a High-Hazard Wildlife Capture Project in Olympic National Park; If You Wouldn’t Let Your Mother Do It, Is It Safe Enough For You?” Paper presented at the First Annual Conference o f the Wildlife Society symposium Large Mammal Population Management in the National Park Service; Options and Examples; Albuquerque, NM, 23 September 1994.163 Ibid.168 Animal Kingdom. 23.

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169 NPS, Mountain Goats in Olympic. Draft in press, 165.Wildlife Conservation (November/December 1993): 37.]Ibid.Sleeper and Hutchins, 22.Wildlife Conservation. 37.Sleeper and Hutchins, 22.R. Gerald Wright. Wildilfe Research and Management in the National Parks. (Chicago: University of

Illinois Press, 1992), 102.National Park Service, Goats in Olvmnic National Park: Draft Environmental Impact Statement for

Mountain Goat Management (February 1995): 181,Ibid., 182.Ibid., 181.Ibid., 183.

180 Ibid Ibid., 184,Ibid, 183.

183 Fayrer-Hosken, Richard A., et al., “The Applicability o f Contraceptives in the Elimination or Control o f Exotic Mountain Goats from Olympic National Park” [final report], January 1992, 1-2.18" NPS, DEIS. 184.185 Ibid., 185.186 NPS, Mountain Goats in Olvmnic . Draft in press, 163.18" Fayrer-Hosken, 25.188 Ibid., 24.189 Laura Westra, “Ecology and Animals: Is There a Joint Ethic o f Respect?,” Environmental Ethics 11, no. 3 (Fall 1989); 218.

190 National Park Service, Goats in Olympic National Park: Draft Environmental Impact Statement for ^ u n ta in Goat Management (February 1995): 7.191 Logan Harris, “Goat Study Narrows Focus,” Peninsula Daily News. 21 May 1993, A l.• 93 NPS, DEIS. 7.193 Interagency Goat Management Team, Newsletter No. 1, January 1992, I.194 NPS, DEIS. 243.193 Ibid., 241.i9é 36 CFR 219.19.19" 36 CFR 219.27 (a)(8)198 R-6 Supplement 2300-90-11, 12/18/90.199 Logan, A l.300 Shelly Sparhawk, interview by author. Port Angeles, Washington, 15 December 1994.301 Jack Smith, personal communication, telephone, 26 April 1995.303 C. Camem, “Fewer Goats Mean Fewer Hunting Permits” Peninsula Daily News.303 Interagency Goat Management Team, 1. 36CFR 219.19.304 Ed Schreiner, interview by author. Port Angeles, Washington, 13 October 1994.305 Doug Houston, personal communication, telephone, 26 April 1995.305 C.S. Anunsen, “Saving the Goats: A Showdown in Washington State,” The Animals’Agenda, January/February 1993, 42.39" J. Haberstroh, “Feds Fear Citizen Input on Goats Will Hurt Park Officials’ Output,” The Seattle Times. 2 1 May 1992.308 Christina Camara, "Animal Group May Sue the Park,” Peninsula Daily News. 24 August 1994.309 Roger Anunsen, Interview on KONP, 22 September 1994.310 Roger and Cathy Sue Anunsen, “Response to Scheffer,” Conservation Biology. 7, no. 4 (December1993): 954.mi C.S. Anunsen, 26.313 Joel Connelly, “Its Goats Got, Olympic Park Now Wants to Shoot Pesky Critters,” Seattle Post- Intelligencer. 21 March 1995.315 National Park Service, Management Policies. December 1988, Chapter 4:12.

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Anunsen, Conservation Biology. 955.Anunsen, interview.Roger Anunsen, personal communication, telephone, 21 October 1994.J. Haberstroh, “Shooting Park’s Goats Now Stronger Possibility,” Seattle Times, 6 April 1992, B4.

J R. Luoma, Wildlife Conservation. {November/December 1993): 36.V.B. Scheffer, “Reply to the Anunsens”, Conservation Biology 7, no. 4 (December 1993): 958.Tim McNulty, “Plants Vs. Goats: It’s Decision Time,” The Mountaineer, (April 1994): 10.Olympic Park Associates, “Position Paper: Non-Native Goats in the Olympics”, unpublished.J R. Luoma, “High Countiy Battle o f the Species,” San Francisco Chronicle. 10 October 1990.

^ Mark Egger, Conservation Chair and Past President, Washington Native Plant Society, Letter to Interagency Goat Management Team, 3/20/92.

Ibid.B.L. Sleeper, and M.Hutchins. “The Horns of a Dilemma: Mountain Goats Create an Olympic Size

Problem.” Pacific Discovery. (Winter 1989); 17.AP, “Intruding Mountain Goats Must Go, Park Biologists Say,” The Olympian. 29 September 1991. James O Luken. “Valuing Plants in Natural Areas”, Natural Areas Journal. 14, no. 4, (1994), 297.Paul Schullery, Mountain Time: Man Meets Wilderness in Yellowstone (New York; Simon and

Schuster Inc. 1984), 71-2.Office o f Technology Assessment, 306.Laura Westra, An Environmental Proposal for Ethics. (Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers,

1994), xi-xii.National Park Service, Natural Resource Management Regulations 1977, 2: 284.Douglas B. Houston and Edward G. Schreiner, “Alien Species in National Parks: Drawing Lines in

Space and Time, ” Conservation Biology. In press. (18 July 1994): 18.Ibid., 6.National Park Service, Natural Resource Policies, 1991, Pest Control 4:13.Tom Juelson, personal communication, telephone, 9 December 1994.

236 Revised Washington Code, 77.08.010.NPS, DEIS. 245.Uninted States Forest Service, Forest Service Manual 2605.James Agee and Darryll Johnson,. Ecosystem Management for Parks and Wilderness. 1993. Seligsohn-Bennett, Kyla. “Mismanaging Endangered and ‘Exotic’ Species in the National Parks ”,

^vironm ental Law. 20 no. 415 (Winter 1990): 429.241 Agee.Chapter 1.2": Luken. 297.243 National Park Service,, “Exotic Species Management: Program Guidance: III.A,” Natural Resources j n agem en t. 285.244 Ibid.. 297. '245 National Park Service, memo, Ed Schreiner to Bruce Moorhead, 1 July 1988, response to Lyman paperreview245 C. S. Anunsen, “Saving the Goats, ” 26.24 Ibid.248 J.M. Chastain, “Just What is a ‘Native’ Animal?,” Peninsula Daily News (21 February 1992).249 Luken, 295.259 Schullery. 114.25) Houston, 6.252 Houston, 7.253 Ibid.254 Ibid 25-5 Ibid.255 Houston, 8.252 Steven Cain, personal communication, telephone,cain, 31 March 1995.258 John W. Laundre, “The Status, Distribution, and Management o f Mountain Goats in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem” [Final Report] 30 September 1990, i..

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Ibid.Joel Connelly, “Olympic Goats May Be Shot as Pests” Seattle Post-1 ntellisencer. 15 April 1991. Wright, Wildlife Management. 110.Sleeper and Hutchins, 23.Paul Crawford, personal communication, telephone, 26 April 1995.Houston, Natural Areas Journal. 91.Doug Houston and Paul Crawford, personal conununication, 25 April 1995.Jack Smith, personal communication, telephone, 27 April 1995.NPS, DEIS. 34.


^ Seligsohn-Bennett, 430.OTA, 302.Ibid.. 305.Luken, 298.Alston Chase, “Exotic Mountain Goat Has Park Service in a T iff” Livingston Enterprise 13 February

1992.Seligsohn-Bennett, 438.Henry Beston, The Outermost House. (Penguin Books, 1928), 25.Bryn Beorse, “Agencies Team to Discuss Goat Controversy” Dailv World. 1 January 1992.D.J. Decker, and T.L. Brown, “How Animal Rightists View the ‘Wildlife Management-Hunting

System,” Wildlife Societv Bulletin. 15 (1987); 599.R.H. Schmidt, “Why Do We Debate Animal Rights?” Wildlife Societv Bulletin. 18 (1990):459.Ibid.

-®‘ Schefifer.Seligsohn-Bennett, 438.

282 Westra. 207.Tom Regan,“The Case for Animal Rights” in In Defense o f Animals, ed. Singer, P. (New York:

Harper and Row, 1985), 22.-84 Peter Singer, Animal Liberation. (New York: Avon Books, 1990), 8.

J R. Luoma, J R. Wildlife Conservation. (November/December 1993): 41.-86 NPS, DEIS. 248.8’ A .s. Gunn, “Why Should We Care About Rare Species?” Environmental Ethics 2, no. 1 (Spring

1980): 20.-88 Sparhawk.-8 Gunn, 21.

NPS, DEIS. 247.Schmidt, 459.

Decker and Brown, 337.Westra, xi.J.B. Calicott, “Animal Liberation: A Triangular Affair,” Environmental Ethics. 2 (Winter 1980): 319-

320.Westra. 90.

^ D. Peterson and A. Woodward, “Face the Facts: Olympic Goats Must Go,” Seattle Times. 22 October1993, B7.

Wauer and Supernaugh, 15.OTA, 190.Ibid.“Cooperation or Conflict: Interagency Relationships and the Future o f Biodiversity for U.S. Parks and

Forests,” Environmental Management 15, no. 1 (1991): 28.E. Sober, “Philosophical Problems for Environmentalism” from The Preservation of Species.

(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986), 175.Ibid., 174.D Hannula, “There’s No Need to Rush to Gun Down the Goats” Seattle Times 23 March 1995.Sober. 174.Ibid.. 188.

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^ Ibid.30’ Ibid.30* Westra, 10.30 Decker and Brown, 600.310 Sober, 180.3'i Ibid.3111 Ibid., 189.313 Chase.311 Westra. xiii.313 Ibid., 207.313 Ibid.31’ Calicott. 321.318 Singer, 224-225.31 Gunn. 22.3=0 Calicott, 323.3=1 Tom Regan, The Case for Animal Rights (Berkeley; U. o f California Press, 1983),3== NEPA 1969 (PL 91-190) and 40 CFR 1501.7.3=3 Donald Brown, “Ethics, Science and Environmental Regulation” Environmental Ethics (Winter 1987)333.3=1 Chase.3=3 D.J, Decker et a l , “Ethical and Scientific Judgements in Management: Beware o f Blurred Distinctions,” Wildlife Society Bulletin. 19 (1991): 524.3=3 R.L. Lyman, “Significance for Wildlife Management of the Late Quaternary Biogeography of Mountain Goats (oreamnos americanus) in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A.” Arctic and Alpine Research. 20, no. 1 (1988): 13.3=’ Johnson and Agee, 13.3=8 Luken, 296 3=® OTA, 306.330 Decker et a l , 524.33' W.F. Porter, M.A. Coffey, and J. Hadidan, “In Search o f a Litmufe Test: Wildlife Management in U.S. National Parks” Wildlife Societv Bulletin 22 no. 2 (1994): 303-4.33= Thomas E. Lovejoy, “Species Leave the Ark One by One” from The Preservation of Species, Norton, B.G. ed. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986).333 Wright, 103.331 Wright, 105.333 AI Rasmussen, pers. comm., telephone, 25 April 1995.336 OTA, 306.

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