The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)

010 MONDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 1911 THE PIQUA DAILY CALL Scene from "SEPTEMBER MORN," de May's Opera House, evening, September 25. Pinna White Stars. The Stars were OIL during the afternoon and falled to show al the grounds for the Anne. Therefore the Clowns WOOL an easy contest. TROY LOOKS FOR A WINNING TEAM Ancient Pola.

Pola. Austria's naval base, Jus beep IL noval station since che time of the ltomuns. The Troy frigh football team willily sure bo managent this year by the SOIl pl from a Sujil. and Airs. C.

W. Cookson. The troubles. Troy school expects to place a win- and purify ning team in the field as in practice flarly and the team is showing excellent form. complexion Conch 1, C.

Rupy will have charge ot a 50c bottle the team this scason. satistied. P0-Do-Lax Bad Billousness, tion, Po-Do-Lax, Banishes Pimples Pimples, Hendachea, Tornid Liver, Constipafrom Indigestion, Take the pleasant and absolutelaxative, and you won't suffer deranged Stomach or other It wIll tone up the liver the blood. Use it you will stay well, have clear and steady nerves, Got today, Money back if not All DAILY MARKETS dally by Furrow Co. SIDNEY TO GET INTO BASKET BALL GAME LIVE STOCK AND BALL GAME Sidney is Wheat $1.03 itilo the already preparing to get Corn basket ball arena.

The Sid- Onta $1.010 4-lc ney Invincibles will be organized this evening and arrangements will be made for al good schedule, CUBS WIN FROM WOOD S. T. NINE The Cubs won their series with the Wood Shovel AL Tool Co. The Cubs defeated Wood's boys Saturday by scare of Lo 8, O'Connell won the 'game ny a Your sark clout with a man on in the eighth- inning. Score: tunings 23 16 6 78 OIL Shovel Co.

0 212 4 2 2 8 Cubs 2 2x 10 FINISH WORK ON P.H.S. BUILDING Teden, Tho had the Bul-con: tract for the painting and varnialing al tie now High School bullding completed the last of the work on Saturstay afternoon. IL was 3 big contract but Mr. Teach and his assistanto put it through in record thne. R.

9. M. A stated asserthly of Lafayette Conneil, No. 93, R. will be held on Tuesday evening nt 7:30 c'elack.

F. P. IRVIN. T. T.

Mf. J. R. Sues, Recorder. CHICAGO, Sept.

21, Cattle -Dcorea, 86 11; Meers. 55 8540 9 25: all feeders, $5 35; cons and heifers, $3 30; calves, $8 Si 412 2p. 8579 E5: mixed, $8 35 0 50: heavy, $8 1549 30; roughs, 128 35; pigs, $5 204.9. Sheep aid $5 304 10; yearlings, 2007 15: $7 8 Sal. Wheat- No.

2 red. 41 turn --No. 2 yellow, No. 3 white, EAST steers, BUFFALO, $10 25 Sept. 0 10 21.

Gil; shipping, Is 50: $7 10 15; heiferz, $6 5005 50; cows, $120 75; $5027 75; stockers and coders, 44 75 G8; calves, 1004S 49 1509 55: mixed and Yorkers St 1009 90; pigs. $9 50; roughs. 1028 40: stags, $7007 15. 25: Sheep r.d 1 84 600. 7 wethers, $0 254 0 20; ewcs, $2 5009 15: mixert sheep, $5 lumbs, $547 2 40.

PITTSBURGH, Sept. 21. Cattle heavy $9 60710; tut $5 '15; heifera, US 60; 5547 25; butcher bulls, $1 60 cows, calves. 50. 39 70; Yorkers, $0 80; "Sheep ant Top sheen, $6 20; taints, 59 85.

CINCINNATI, Sept. 21. Cattle 15 5005 heifers, 5647 10: edws, 60; calvea, 55 500 11 63. Hops Flea and Mghta, $5 2549 40. lambs, Sherp 45 and 76.

Lambs--Sheep, $2 BOSTON, Sept. 21. Dolaine washed, 31038c: unmerand Pennaylvania chutitable, 210; halt bloud combing. delaine unwashed, 26c. TOLEDO, Sept.

21: Wheat, :1 corn. 79490c; oats, 65042; clover sced. $9 70. Make Dreams Realities EVERY man has he dreamed could of do the great things "if h'e had the Now he is likely to have the chance. World wars have made America an Island of Peace and Plenty, We have become the commercial center and the financial center over night, We must feed and clotho and comfort Europe, Asia, Africa and South America: We must delve' and dig, plough and' reap, weave and spin.

The. gold of the world will flow our way to pay for for our products. was there such opportunity for individual and collective enterprise. Make Your Dream Come True PAGE SEVEN When you have advertising to do-do it right--do it with all your might --in the classified columns of THE PIQUA DAILY CALL. 0 THE PEOPLE'S WANT COLUMNS Whatever You Want Use THE PIQUA DAILY CALL Want Ads.They Got You Quick Resulta 0 ROBBINS BACK IN VERSAILLES! Versailles will welconie back to the fold one Mr.

Robbing who has' heen going great guns in the Medigun League. Robbing was mirchased by the Cincinnati Reds, hit according AL Fitting ho will not be that team's property because of a violation of the' drafting laws in. acquiring Robbins. COULDN'T SEE: STARS Saturday the Pigna: Clownis had oppprtunity: to put. on circus stunts NO al Stein's Park at the expense of the Now is the time to lay in your Anthracite coal before the price goes any higher, don't be caught napping and wait till cold weather sets in before ordering your caal.

Beckert Bros Coal "and Building Materials 162 Young and R. R. Famous Parls Shopping Street. That wonderful street of slaps in Parla, known as the Ruo de WilE hegun 1u 1802 and was named in honor of Napoleon's victory at Itivoll, in 1797, during the: Itallun campulgn. It WAS finished, however, until 1866, during the reign at Napoleon Ill, to whom Paris's Indebted for much of Sta grandeur.

Don't Be Bothered With Coughing Slop il with Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. I spreads a soothing healing coating us it glides down the throat, nervous and hacking, tickling, and are quickly healed. Children love it-lastes good and 116 opiates. A man in Texas walked miles 10 a drug store 10 geL a bottle. Rest you CAn buy Car croup and bronchial coughs.


ST. West Bound Tito 6. 27 3:09 Lu No, No. 57 8:17 DI 7 .11.06 4, No. 111 No.

35 7:33 1. ITa No. 33 9:09 121. No. 1 12:10 In East Round 'Train Tlino.

No. 18 7: 25 A. No. 55 11:18 0. In.

No, 8 ....8:47 No. 26 10:18 It. L1. No. 10 4:03 4.

M. No, 34 5:45 D. D. C. H.

D. North Bound No. 8 32:45 a. Dntiy No. 2.

1:47 h. bi. Untiy No, 4. a. IN.

Daily No. 4. 3:25 111, Dally No, 10, 8:15 p.m. excopt Snudny No. 68, p.

m. Sunday only South Enund No. 7. 1:26 a. m.

Daily No. 11.. 6:34 in. oxcept Sunny No. 20:36 2L.

il, Dally No. Git. GO a. m. Buuday ouly No, 1:47 m.

Dully No. 8, 6:21 m. Dally TRACTION LNE8 Dayton-T'oledo lamited Trains North Round South Bound Leave Leave 8:00 8:18 a. 0. 8:18 a.

m. 10:18 a. m. 10:18 m. 12:18 a.

m. 12:18 HI. 2:18 p. 2:18 p. 1:18 D.

in 4:18 p.m. m. 6:18 D. m. 8:18 p.

17. 8:18 p. m. 10:26 p. m.

10:21 p. m. hourly Local Sobodure Between Day. ton ano PIQUA North Mouna South Bound Arrive Doave 56 6:00 8. a.

7:00 a. m. a. 8:00 B. m.

8:56 a. 8:00 8. m. 9:55 a. 10:00 8.

m. 10:55 19. 11:00 m. 11:66 12; 00) m. 12:65 p.

1:00 D. m. 11:55 p. rO, 2:00 p. m.

2:56 p. 10, 3:00 .10. 3:56 p. m. 4:00 p.

4:55 p. m. 6:00 p. 6:65 p. 6:00 It.

5:55 p. 7:00 P. m. 7:55 8:00 p. m.

8:55 p. m. 9:00 p. m. 9:55 p.

m. 10:00 p. m. 10:66 m. 11:00 11:55 p.

12:00 1. 10, 12:35 p. 12:37 ID. p. limited train.

11:00 p. M. Ismiled train. WESTERN OHIO Wapakoneta-Prqua Piqua-Wapakoneta Arrive At Piqua Leave Piqua 5:57 6:00 In. 6:59 b.

m. 4 7:05 10. 8:18 A. 10, 9:67 In. 9:01 B.

m. 10:14 A. 10:18 a. 11:57 m. 11:00 B.

m. 12:14 12:18 p. 17. 1:57 pA m. 1:00 1.

m. 2:14 p. 2:18 n. m. p.

::00 tr. m. 4:14 p. 4:18 p. 4:67 p.

to. 6:00 p. 4:14 $:18 p. m. 7:57 D.

7:00 p. m. 8:14 8:78 p. m. 10:21 D.

m. 10:28 p. m. Daily. except Sundays, Eimiteds.

'D. 44 P. for Covington, West Milton and Dayton, Leave 6::00 a. and every Dour Entil 9:00 m. 16:00 P.

And 11:02 A m. 10 FOR SALE HEAL -CITY TO BUY--By reidorp at THE PIQUA DAILY CALLS any: arlcle, largo or snail, that you wieh to die pose of, Buyerg will look for your ad In tomorrow's PIQUA DAILY CALL FOR Modern en balm. Bargain. Ines" 932 Caldwell, Phone 1547. FOR 8A1.12-Modern hom*o 011 roadway.

Also desirable house to rent. 9:42 Callwelt. Phono 1327. FOR SALT--New house, south end; gus, walls; also good high lots: or pagment. Robert Ziegenfolder, 425 River street.

Telephone 2 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR rango and burner: Cond :18 mew. Tojoiro 409 Caldwell street. FOIL fresh grocery stork: two listores, horso and wagon will sell alt Invoice. Involen about $700, Address A. B.

FOR -Tron-age potato plantAr wud steel roller. A. 1. Ballinger, Stillwater pike, hom*o 'phono on FOR OR EXCHANGEsmall property and business SLI :1 small town. Losh 0.

Harbaugh. FOR cool: at 295 Gouth Downing HI. FOR. SALE- FIve fox terrior 6 weeks old. Inquire ILL Lenin Hurlih, Washington pile Dox No.

88. FOIL SALE -Apple and potato! standard and folding or buster crates, For 100 or less of the standard, 15 cents each; for 100 42d Lover, 13c each; the collapaible crate 176 each; with freight prepaid fu lots of 100 and over. Those Ari delivered free and whero along tho Western Oleo traction line. Sample will he sent upon request, August Wino, It. L.oramle, Obla, 'Phono 26.

Orders for crates can ba placed with W. 5. Ringers' Implement store, Ohio or order by mall of August Wisa, Fort Loramle, Ohio, FOR PavDelte Bane ner. Wall sell cheap. 41000 19014, Inquiro 412 Adama Street.

WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED hoard, 11 )1 elderly person or child, under years of age. Inquire 300 Second Street. WANTED- Dead stock, Wm. Rhodehamel, successors Lo WellyLouis Fertilizer Coinpaty, ifome 'pbone 1098, Bell 40. WANTED- -Four eL' Ire room house with bath.

Address O. G'ILTO CALL. WANTED- -1000 feather beds Blue villawn, highest market. price paid for old feathers. 1.

C. Gauer, 101 South Wayne strcel. WANTED--I pay cash for second bard housebold goods, 127 N. Wayne street Home 'phono 1180. G.

W. Madison. 1.05T -A mileage book on D. C. almost new book, Leave at CALl.

wiNce. Reward. LOST -Locket with pagravine: so two baby pictuts inside: return 10 MHvira Simpson. 123 S. Downing tie! receive reward.

-Saturday, in front cf new post office, a brown alligator handbag, containing a check and same money. Return to P'iqua Auto Supply Company, fur. Greene and Main Sta. Reward. HELP WANTED MALE -Roy with Some exper.

lence to feed toh presa. l'igna Paper Box Co. WANTED--Man 40 work on farm; as Intacro raiser. W'm. 11.

Cromer, Fletcher, Ollo. WANTED- -Good, responsible party to) take care of horse, 23 years old; does light driving. Apply Brown's lary goods store. FOR RENT HDU6E: FOR RENT--I: Jon want to roDe house and don's Ond what you WAIL In this columu, littlo WANTOD TO RENT ad 1n tomorrow's PIQUA DAILY CALL will diet a list mi chem for you. FOR RENT- AMer 1xI of eleven roonus and bath; hootia from Pablo Third Savings de FOR RENT--Fire room house; woll and cistern; for Maht and heat.

mubre at HIS Gordon St. POIL RENT Olt Now alx coom tonse on Clark will 110 completed October 1st. In. Suorf, tor. Ash and Caldwell.

FOR October 20th, dwelling, No. 409 Caldwell St, Inquire of Dr. Cotteen. FOR RENT- Small house of rooms; contral situation, good 001 421 WV. St.

V01 North alle, Lohn: 508 Itiver MIE. A. M. 1.4:031• ard. FOR SAI.N OR RENT--8 14HHO house with bath.

Cur, and Mount St. A grocerS. FOR of six 1001118 and hall. Cull 10 And BI. FOR RENT- room bath, 409 and elocute.

632 W. 111gh 91. 'Phone FOIL RENT- 1 and hath. Chan renl North Made street. FOR RENT- Modern house of seven bald, electric lights, gam, 1 IL.

Inquire Fountain lark grocery. WANTED SITUATION WANTED Inquire 108 New Street. FOR SALE STORSIES AND DA A CICE FOR SALS--A high spider phacion, in good condition: cheap IF soli at once. Inquire 114 South Main St. POR work horse, 7 yours old.

Call Home 'phone I on 810. FOR horses, GILO 1015011 and harness with 0110 horse, on; horso, first size and years old. 101 Curatout street. WANTED AGENTS WOMEN--Sell guaranteed to friends and neighbors; 70 por coni profit; Make $10 daily. Experlance International Arills Dox 4020.

West Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED- Galeman to sell Port. event pictures for wiriow ills. play.

References. Illustrated Nows, Now Haven, Coon. HAVE :1 Contract--To distribute million free use. Borax Soap Tow. der, Want reliable men :111 women la holy.

$18 workly. Waverly Brown. 730 N. Franklin, Chicago. WANTED -Four lady and demonstrators.

Straight salary. Apply al nuce. W. 9. Freeman, 42i Caldwell street.

NOTICE THA PIQUA DAILY CALL CADDOI give: Information regarding advertise monte for which are to he in caro of this office. Persons ropiying to offico addresses cocal mall or capo writton answer diroctod in the advortisemont. Woman's Prerogative. "Does your wife ever change bar mind?" "Only on BoIng minor mat replied Mr Meekton after care ful thought. believe I recall that she once expressed an Intention to love, bouor and obey, or aguething that." no FOR RENT Hoous A FOR RENT- roots: pantry, woll, cistern, Eng light and Drat.

Inquire -13t liver alrent, FOR Goad followably, good erory modern makes the now Y. M. C. A. Apartments the Inost desirablo place for young men In ronni.

I unaually low rates. FOR HUNT--Modern seven rOOM cottage 1931 Boone two diora wort or Broadway: 00 given Vetohee I. 1. V. Koenter 509 South St, Home Phone 2 on 923.

The race is not always to the swift- but most always. That hare and tortoise race would hardly be classed as a sporting event now. It is the man who delivers the goods who has the blue ribbon pinned on him in this year of our Lord. I If you are running a square race young man, and the race goes to the tortoise, what you need is another job. Try the want adway.

APPOINTMENT NOTICE Notiry Is hereby elven, thnt Lewfa Happ has boon appointed maul qunjiiied administrator of the ur Edward Jump, late of Miami County. Ohio, doceased, by the probate court of vald county. No. 15502. ST.

JOJIN, Probate Judgo, emptember 12, 1014. Jacob A. Davy, Attorney. 1 DRINK MORE WATER IF KIDNEYS BOTHER Eat less moat and take Baits for Backache or Bladder trouble-. Neutralizes acida, LOST Urie acid in meat excites the they ache, and become feel overworked; get Bluggish, kRineya, lumps of lend.

The urine checomes cloudy; the bindder la irridated, obliged to seek lit-f two nr theme times during the them When flush the kidneys the clang you muat help night. oft body's urinons waate or you'll he 4 real eick AL frat you feel aL dull misery person shortly. in the kidney nick region, hewinche, you dizzinesa, from backache, slomach 'gets nour, tongue canted and you feel matic twinges when the weather is bad, less teal, drink lots of also get from any pharmacist four ounces water; in of Jed Salts; of take a tablespoonfut 8 glans water before brenkfast for day's and then act fine. This fainous salta is your kidneys will maile from the acid of grapes and lemon combined with lithis, and has been used juice, for generations to clean and also to etimulato then to norntal clogged kidneys activity, neutralize the acids in urine, it no longer la a sourco of frritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Balts is inexpensive, cannot irijure: water makes delightful effervescent drink which everyone ehould take clean now and they to keep the kidneys they sell aud lota active.

of Sails Druggiete here 447 believe Jad to folks who while it in la overcoming trouble, kidney trouble only,.

The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.